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Posts posted by Tiago

  1. Hi


    Quick question regarding N244 form to have this set aside.


    It says at top. "How do you wish to have your application delt with"


    Should i put at hearing?


    Then says give time estimate for hearing/confrence? huh whats this about?


    Now i want to have set aside becuse i never recived claim form to defend in 2008


    Is there other reason to have this set aside? Maybe becuse the amount is just bank charges? Maybe no CCA? Should i get a SAR request set off first or statment off capquest to find out how excatly they came to this figure? becuse i really dont kow how a £100 debt got to over £700 as its the first time i have recived any letter about this


    Sorry to be a pain :-(

  2. In the email the court sent me it says i'm being charged 8% per annum. Maybe its not actually a split claim and just charges awarded by the court or mixture of both?. Bit confused now as in the Capquest letter it says £325 of the debt was not issued apoun. :|

  3. Hi thanks for your replys. At first i wasn't really botherd about the CCJ as was issued 3 years ago and they still havent gone back to court to enforce it, BUT all this extra money that they say i owe on top of that, which now looks like they have split the claim dose worry me i think they will try go court again to give me another CCJ by default for the other amount..


    I totaly dispute the amount. I was paying a loan for 2 years but i only missed the very last 2 payments. So to pay off loan i only had two £50 payments to go, but for two years after i had £35 each month sometimes twice per month in late payment charges which i have paid when they automaticaly took it out of my JSA. Once the bank left me with 90p to live off for 2 weeks when they took 3 late payment charges out at once. I have paid to them about a £1000 in late payment fees

    So ALL this £700 they say i owe that has been split in 2 is ALL late payment charges that i have PAID and more so. They have made enough profit out of me!.


    To answer your question the case was issued by HL legal on behalf of Capquest.


    I got an email from the court.


    part only of monies due under regulated credit agreement number *************** between hbos plc and the defendant the benefit of which was assigned to the claimant on *********/2008 the agreement terminated upon the defendant(s) failure to comply with the terms of the agreement and/or the statutory notice of default served by hbos plc the claimant seeks interest pursuant to section 69 of the county courts act 1984 at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of issue continuing at the daily rate of 0.07 any payments or queries should be directed to the claimant on: 0870 0843533 (phone) or 0870 084 2570 (fax) or email: litigation@cdrhl.co.uk' I know that i have a CCJ for one half of the debt, but can i send a SAR or CCA and just deal with the other half? Also what about getting all these late payments back?



  4. Hi


    I recived a letter from Capquest today. I have a CCJ that was issued in 2008 but never defended it as was sent to old address at my sisters and she always returned to them any mail sent as not at address. The CCJ was though Northampton and they knew very well that i was not living there.


    Now. The CCJ award was for just over £300 that was an old Halifax bank loan (2004) I had a £1000 but failed to make the last 2 payments as became unemployed and they took £35 out of my benift in late payment charges every month for about 2 years, so the whole amount is just made up of bank charges that i have paid at £35 each month.


    What i am confused about is the letter.


    They say the balance is over £700


    Claim issued for over £387


    But they will write off the reamining balance of 325 + legal charges that was NOT issued upon????


    Whats all this about part of it not being issued apun? Wouldnt it be statute barred anyway??


    Pay £250 and this debt will be closed and credit file updated.


    Confused :sad:

  5. I'm not an as experienced as others on this site but can try help. First off you can fill out a proper budget sheet from National Debt line website and print it off and send to them. I see you may have missed a few things off your calculations like Council tax, clothing, school dinners, transport costs etc you should draw up a proper budget sheet from the website as they include things that you may have missed out.


    As for any DCA phoning you. Just say everything in writing and put down the phone. Don't get into an coversation and refuse to answer there security questions. Send them the telephone harrassment letter available in the templates libary

    Anything eles regarding looking at credit agreements and your rights, then more experienced people on here can help you with that. I do strongly advise phoning CAB or National Debt Line. There not good at challenging debts but are good at writing to your creditors and helping you with replayments that you can afford.

  6. Hi Craigbadger. I think one is master card and other is visa. I think she knows very well now that she will NEVER be able to pay off the credit card. The card just acts as a comfort to her to use in emergency. I will definatly get the CCA sent off once i get her permission as it would also be a comfort to her if it's not enforcable agreement and also look into switching to 0% card option.


    Many thanks

  7. Hi Dx. I think its about 11,000 total over the 2 cards. It's just under £200 pcm paying around £90 for each card, with about £20 of this being offset against the balance. She's being paying the minimum payment fee but she said sometimes paying just under the minimum fee. I can get the exact figures tomorrow.

  8. Hi Craigbadger. Not sent off CCA yet. i have been reading the posts over last few days regarding CCA requests am still at early stages of convincing her to have a look at the posts on the forum regarding this before sending them off. She has always had good credit and not so easy to convert her to the dark side lol

  9. Hi Snowingagain. Yes it looks like she dosen't have PPI which is shame. I will have a look and see if she has had PPI in the past or maybe try get some credit card charges back.


    No she is not disabled so only gets basic pension with credits.



  10. Thanks Dx. I will send off the CCA requests today as she has had a few late payment charges too over the years.


    If there is no PPI to claim back i want to at least try get her credit card payments down as she is only on state pension credit and dosent even use her credit card that much. She is in a minimum payment trap and paying £200 per month for years without her balance coming down. I have only just seen this and was shocked at what shes been trying to pay each month out of her pension.

  11. Hello. I have moved this from lloyds to PPI section. Wondering if you can help. My mother has 2 Lloyds credit cards (Llyods and master card) that she has been paying for last 15 years. Now she can only afford the minimum payments and stuggling as she is on pension credit. I was hoping to reclaim ppi for her but after looking at her credit card statements there is no mention of PPI it just says interestlink3.gif. My mother cannot remember if she took out PPI or not. Is there a way to find out or should it say PPI on the credit card statement.





  12. Hello. Wondering if you can help. My mother has 2 Lloyds credit cards (Llyods and master card) that she has been paying for last 15 years. Now she can only afford the minimum payments and stuggling as she is on pension credit. I was hoping to reclaim ppi for her but after looking at her credit card statements there is no mention of PPI it just says interest. My mother cannot remember if she took out PPI or not. Is there a way to find out or should it say PPI on the credit card statement.





  13. Hello. I have a small debt with Littlewoods that is statute barred. Capquest and HC legal are now pursuing me for this debt. After reading the posts regarding this, i sent off a statute barred letter from the templates section as from memory the last payment or acknowledgment was about 2001/02.


    Capquest have just replied "account is on hold" and this gets me "we look forward to your reply"...er reply to what?


    That's pretty much all the letter says


    I'm sure they are planning something and would like to know what you guys anticipate would be there next move so that i can be ready or even hit them first


    Would like to say how great reading this forum has been for me

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