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Posts posted by sdp2010uk

  1. Also, Debenhams reserves the right to exclude anyone from any of their stores as Debehams is private property. No-one other than a police officer can conduct any kind of search on anyone. The only thing that should be asked to be removed from any bag or pocket by any security staff should be anything sharp or that could cause injury the themselves or to anyone else. If the security staff have done their jobs correctly they shouldn't have to ask a suspect to produce anything they have stolen as it should still be where the suspect was seen consealing it on their person where the police will either ask them to produce or remove it themselves when conducting a search. If the incident hasn't been reported to the police and your daughter hasn't been spoken to by an officer, I'd leave it at that. Your daughter hasn't got a mark on her record so there's nothing to worry about there. If your daughter was frightened and a little upset after the ordeal then the plus side to this is that she's probably learnt her lesson and won't want to go through that gain. Also, if the necklace was stolen then maybe you should also re-consider the company your daughter keeps. Her knocking about with people who are out stealing at such a young age is not good for her if she's easily lead.

  2. Right, I'm a Loss Prevention Assistant who works for Debenhams. The way we are trained means we DO have powers of arrest and detention of any individual or individuals who commit a criminal offence within our stores. If your 13 year old daughter and her friends had been detained by a member of Loss Prevention they would have to have seen the following: The suspect(s) approach and select the stock, conceal/wear the item, observe and account for the suspect(s) movements to make sure the item has not been dumped, watch the suspect(s) make no attempt to pay for the item(s) in thier possession and exit the store. If your with someone who is shoplifting its the Security staffs desicion whether to detain you aswell as the offender. Being as your daughter is only 13, the Loss Prevention staff should NOT have let her out of their custody once they had detained her as that person is resposible for her well-being. The police and/or yourself should have been contacted and only when they are collected by a police officer or a legal guardian. As for you wanting to view the CCTV, you are entitled to do that FREE of charge. The easiest way to go about gaining access to view the CCTV is to go into the store and ask to speak with the SSM (Selling Support Manager). As much as you may be annoyed at the thought that someone has accused your daughter of shoplifting, the SSM is the 1 person that can help you at a store level and this is the quickest way to get what you want. He/She should tell you to fill out some paperwork and provide a picture of your daughter to compare to the CCTV and I.D. from yourself. Once this is done, that information will have to be checked and authorised by a regional Manager. After the regional Manager has given the all clear, you will then be invited into the store to view the requested footage and that only.


    Debenhams policy is to prosecute all individuals commiting a criminal offence in our stores.


    Hope that's answered some questions for you

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