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Posts posted by J4ckB4u3r

  1. Hello everyone, this is my first post although I have been reading the entries in this forum for the last month or so. I am or was and Advent Student from approx June 2008, for whch I deferred the payment for 12months knowing that I was due a redundancy payout. At the end of the 12months just before the cut-off date I paid the amount in full as to not incur any interest charges. At no stage was I told either that there was a 3 year time limit on my studies and if I exceeded this date I would have to pay to continue to study. Computeach have recieved my records now and are basically saying that when June 2010 arrives + 3 months of administration time reward. After this I will have to start paying them again?? As far as I am concerned I have paid for the full course content for an MCSE, why am I not within my rights to just demand all the remaining material and transcender disks from them, or even better still an equivalent sum of money for my remaing 6 modules out of the 11. I like everyone else here chose Advent over Computeach because they had a better reputation. So because Barclays decides to pull the plug on their finances and invest in another provider, which I consider to be inferior, we now have to lose out. Who are these people who think they can continually rip people off of hard-earned cash. Does any have any advice for me as I am due to send an e-mail back to Computeach in response to recent e-mails received from them.

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