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Posts posted by Cobra11

  1. Ah, The R/K has received the dreaded Zenith Collection Letter, must be saving money no red ink used

    Also saving money as they are using Debt Recovery Plus envelopes or is that Zenith Collections is trading name of Debt Recovery Plus.

    What I can’t work out, is, why Zenith would want to take £40.00 less than what Deb + would accept as a reduced fee.

    The mind boggles

  2. DR+ dont do anything right, they cant.


    Another letter from DRP+

    Notice of intended court action - unpaid parking charge £160.00 (all in bold)


    Can't believe it, it then goes on; To prevent this case being sent back to the creditor's solicitors to commence court proceedings, you must pay £160.00, then the usual spiel about CCJ's we will

    Claim our fees etc. Of course there was a section on goto their web page to a selection of Court Judgements blah blah.


    Do they do a third letter but in red

  3. Ericsbrother:



    The car was parked outside a block off flats. I have looked at the venue and there are no signs as you enter the car park. The only signs are either end of the building by the entrance to the building. The confusing bit is, you can park in the middle of this block and not see the signs, leave the car and go to another block opposite which is across the car park and go in that building which does not have any signs on. Apparently there are no restrictions to that side of the car park.



    Hope this is not to confusing

  4. Sorry, English is not the keepers first language. Have established that a ticket was left on the car, thankfully these were kept when handed to him by the driver.



    It would appear they were kept, because it said they would contact the keeper. He stills sates that he never heard from them until this letter dated 26/11.





    Next advice




  5. Having used this forum in the old days of ignore, I am trying to assist a friend with the new PFoA rules



    The reg keeper has just received a final demand, they categorically state that this is the first letter they have received. it's dated 26/11/2014 and franked 02/12



    sanitized copy attached, any advice would be welcome on the next steps to take

  6. Gatso cameras are activated as vehicle crosses radar beam & takes 2 photos 0.5 secs apart,


    Whilst Truvelo cameras work as follows:

    • Sensors in the road record the time at which the vehicle crosses them.
    • The time difference between sensors 1 and 3, and between sensors 2 and 4, is calculated. These measurements are used to calculate the speed of the vehicle.
    • If the vehicle's speed is above a preset threshold (eg. 30 mph) then a photo is taken.
    • There are three white lines painted on the road surface. The photo is taken when the vehicle crosses the middle white line. The other two white lines are set at +/-10%. This is the legal required accuracy

  7. From the link it is a




    The forward facing Truvelo camera system is designed to take photographs of the front of a passing vehicle, this allows the picture taken to show the driver of the vehicle as well.


    To avoid the 'flash' which is given out by a rear facing Gatso camera the Truvelo system uses an infra red flash which produces no visible 'flash' to the approaching driver.

    These rely on 3 white-lines in the road, painted just before the camera (which are shown on the link), and are triggered by strips in the road, used to gain the vehicles speed.

    As for the NIP I am sure someone with a bit more knowledge will hep.



  8. It does feel strange not doing anything when they send out these letters, but the more you read them you realise what twaddle they are spouting. I, like you have had their letters and from the advice on here I didn't worry about them. The last one was in November and no one has been knocking on my door demanding money. I know it's easy to say but just relax


  9. The continuous insurance enforcement scheme will provide a new fixed penalty (£100 or £50 if paid within 14 days) for people who ignore official reminders that their insurance has expired. This will apply to vehicles that are not declared as being off the road through SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) and not insured. Continuing offenders will risk having their vehicle seized and destroyed.


    From reading an article in the paper it does not matter if your vehicle is on your drive, garaged, down the bottom of your garden or where ever, the vehicle has to be continuously insured. So it is possible that if you are away on holiday and forgot your insurance expires you could get fined. Mind you, they say that warning letters will be sent out first (do you believe them)


    Interestingly the industry states that there are 1.4 million uninsured drivers in the UK. Apparently the scheme is due to start in April this year.


    Oops, noticed there is a sticky in the DVLA section about this.

  10. When i mentioned trading standards they said we want nothing more to do with this and were passing the file back to civil enforcement.


    Why would they (Newlyns) be sending it back if they were going to take any action, nobody is. I would read post #1498 of this thread a couple of times, I can confirm that nothing has happened to me and it has been two months since I received the last of Newlyns' letter. Actually I miss them, as all I get now are the utility bills and statements. Oh, I still have good credit rating after all their waffle.

  11. Where is the 'confusion'? I assume that you are aware of a publication called 'The Highway Code'. It has all the rules involving motorway driving in there including the use of slip roads and the meanings of the road markings and signs. I understand it is available from most good book shops.



    No need to pay for it, its free on the direct gov uk website ( cannot submit link)

  12. Yes, it is still a motorway and motorway rules apply . You will even notice at the start of that particular junction, it has variable speed cameras

    "Areas of white diagonal stripes or white chevrons painted on the road are to separate traffic lanes or protect traffic turning right.

    Where the marked area is bordered by an unbroken white line, you MUST NOT enter it except in an emergency"

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