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Posts posted by Cadarn

  1. The hardest point for people to prove and this is mainly for the people who contracts with Advent that have '' expired '' is that Advent offered everyone open ended training until you passed the final exam. In my particular case I had a email from computeach saying that my contract had expired in June 09 strange because I went to a workshop after that date but I cant find any documentation to prove and I dare bet all files accept contracts were destroyed when advent went bust.

    Mis selling is plain to see and as juicybuns say a generic template would be good because we all got spun same load of s**t .


    I too received an email from Computeach saying my contract expired in July '09.

    I attended a workshop in October '09, I was supplied with a code to take a mock exam in in December '09, took and passed a Microsoft exam in December '09 and received more course materials from Advent in December '09.

    As I was "sold" the course as being open ended I didn't ask for an extension so it looks like both Advent and me weren't aware of a two year "term".

    I still have all email correspondence that took place between Advent and me after the supposed expiry date of my contract and will be happy to send copies to Hausfeld as and when required.

  2. has anybody finished the course or do you know any1 who has


    I haven't quite fininshed the course but was about to sit the mock for 70-298 which had I passed would have given me my MCSE. I would then have had one more module to take (according to the Advent training track)

    I was under the impression that my contract was open ended based on two reasons:


    • I was told by the salesaman, nowhere could I find any dates on any of the documentation I have received from Advent, Clydesdale or Barclays (I still have everything I have been sent) - However following the earlier posts I checked "clause 4" and the definition of "term" does state 2 years!!!
    • I started the course in July '07, I received the study material for 70-298 at the end of December '09 - Obviously more than 2 years after the start of my course - I have never asked for an extension, why would I? I thought the course open ended.

    Not sure of the implications of this but Advent clearly weren't sticking to the 2 years in my case.

  3. Hello all, I have been following this thread since that fateful email dropped into my inbox!

    Firstly let me pay tribute to those who have put in so much time and effort to help others try and bring about a satifactory conclusion to this situation.

    About me:

    I signed up with Advent (July '07) in order to complete MCSE track. I have almost completed the course have received about 90% of the training offered.

    I know I have been far luckier than some:


    • I signed an open ended contract with Advent
    • I have never had an issue with Advent customer service
    • I took out a loan with Clydesdale (later taken over by Barclays), and paid it off before silly interest kicked in
    • I reckon I am at most £500 out of pocket
    • When I have needed help from "Mentor" at Advent, I always received prompt and effective support.
    • In short I had absolutely no complaints about Advent whatsoever!!!

    This got me thinking:

    As I have have received the best possible support from Advent, passed all my exams first time (in some cases barely), my expectations of what is "equivalent or better" standards might be higher than others! ;-)


    I have contacted CT as directed by BPF, one of their consultants is going to contact me, we will discover whether I will receive equivalent or better service!


    Keep up the good work!

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