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Posts posted by outofsync24

  1. He was never asked for a self assessment return, even after every phone call he's made subsequently. Once he'd explained that the relevant documents had been filed to say that he was no longer self employed, they were fine with that. Then he'd receive a new letter, phone again, explain again and be given the excuse that one department doesn't know what the other is doing, but that he was indeed correct in what he was telling them. He was told a couple of phone calls ago that he didn't need to do any returns because they can see by his records that he's been paying PAYE tax. It's just this time they've decided that he was self employed and they've still not asked for a return...


    Thank you for your advice :)

  2. I wasn't at home so didn't have the exact details to hand, I apologise. He appealed over the phone about all contributions where they agreed with him about the details every time except for this time. The breakdown consists of all three items you have listed. I have just noticed 2010 is included also.

    The list is 05/04/08 SA Determination, Tax £600, Interest to 20/01/15 £106.31

    05/04/08 SA 1st Penalty for Late Return, Tax £100, Interest to 20/01/15 £17.21

    05/04/08 SA 2nd Penalty for Late Return, Tax £100, Interest to 20/01/15 £16.06

    05/04/09 SA First Payment on account, Tax £300, Interest to 20/01/15 £53.14

    05/04/09 SA Second Payment on account, Tax £300, Interest to 20/01/15 £49

    05/04/09 SA Determination, Tax £3000, Interest to 20/01/15 £447.28

    05/04/09 SA 1st Penalty for Late Return, Tax £100, Interest to 20/01/15 £14.48

    05/04/09 SA 2nd Penalty for Late Return, Tax £100, Interest to 20/01/15 £13.10

    05/04/09 SA 1st Late Payment Surcharge, Tax £180, Interest to 20/01/15 £22.26

    05/04/09 SA 2nd Late Payment Surcharge, Tax £180, Interest to 20/01/15 £22.26

    05/04/10 SA First Payment on Account, Tax £1800, Interest to 20/01/15 £268.37

    05/04/10 SA Second Payment on Account, Tax £1800, Interest to 20/01/15 £241.59

    05/04/10 SA 1st Penalty for Late Return, Tax £100, Interest to 20/01/15 £11.49

    05/04/10 SA 2nd Penalty for Late Return, Tax £100, Interest to 20/01/15 £10.11


    Total unpaid amount £10052.66


    I'm not sure what other information I can give to you.

  3. When he changed to being employed by his limited company, he was never sent any self assessment forms as they were aware he was PAYE. He has documentation with both his accountant and the insolvency service to prove this. He has had a determination made on 05/04/2008 for £600 and another on the 05/04/2009 for £3000. The rest is all 'charges' and when he phoned yesterday, they still insist he was self employed, even when he's proven that he wasnt.

  4. It's 2006/07 they're claiming. He was PAYE by his own limited company . The HMRC are insisting he was self employed. He has proved that he wasn't. Since 2009 when the company became insolvent, he has been employed by a few companies and never worked for himself and has paid tax (PAYE) which is on his wage slips. They are saying he hasn't put in his self assessment returns, but he didn't need to do this as he was PAYE.

  5. Advice : give more detail.


    What tax year(s) are they claiming this arises from?

    Is it all tax owed or tax & penalties?


    Do you dispute the tax is owed? If not:


    Does it arise from his employment (did the company underpay his PAYE)?

    From his self-employment?


    I'm not confident anyone can give you reliable advice without more details.


    Why do you feel it is "harassment" by HMRC?


    It's from the tax years 2006 to present. He was employed by his company until 2009, of which, all payments were made and the accounts show this. HMRC are saying he was self employed by his company, he was not. He hasn't been self employed since he started working as a limited company and all the documentation was transferred accordingly. The company was made insolvent in 2009 and every other month, he gets a letter stating he owes the self employed tax and he calls them to dispute it every time he does. They say that they've sorted it out, then a couple of months down the line, he gets another letter saying he owes more. Now they say they're taking him to court even though he's already proved that he's not liable for r it as it's been paid.

  6. My husband was self employed up to 2006 and then changed to a limited company.



    From 2006-09, he was employed by his company (not self employed) which paid his taxes.



    The company then became insolvent. HMRC are saying he owes £10k tax. Any advice?

  7. Give the company who cancelled the Insurance a phone call tomorrow or Monday to find out why they cancelled. There should be some notes on the policy records, as to why they cancelled. Perhaps they did not receive the documents or they mislaid them, ending up with them cancelling.


    Documents were faxed, so they definitely got them. I'll ring them Monday. Thanks 😉

  8. High risk postcode where you live ? There are some areas where it can be difficult to get insurance online and you have to phone companies or a local brokers. Are you aware of any particular issues where you live ? e.g thefts or flooding event.


    You should check your credit record to see if there is any problem.


    This one is free for life.




    No problems I'm aware of, like I said, never had a problem ever. Haven't made any claim at all either. Was asks to produce all sorts of documents only to receive a letter today telling me that my policy has been cancelled?

  9. They said they were going to post it to him, so I told them that they would have to send it by, at the very least, recorded delivery so it can be tracked, to which she agreed. I also explained that we are away for a long weekend, so I would get it redelivered to me at my work, so it would be at least Wednesday, because of the bank holidays, until I received it. Once we've got the statements, we'll be able to see more what they're basing their findings on.

  10. All we want is his name cleared of everything, but the way I see it is, if they're gonna play dirty, then we've got to have every defence we can. My sons words to the boss when he was asked were "why would I risk losing my job by stealing money".


    My sons the only one out of his group of friends (there are about 10 of them in the group) that has a job because they're really hard to come across where I live. He also goes to a YMCA training course three days a week to better himself and gets help with that too, so it's not like he even needs the money

  11. Don't get me wrong, he isn't a complete angel. Any patent who says that their kids are angels are lying. But the one thing we've done is tell him to always be honest and tell the truth, no matter what the consequences, even if it means he's gonna get in trouble for it. I've got to give him his due, he's always done that, which is why I would move heaven and earth for him. And as for it getting better, it depends whether you've got boys or girls, coz they switch as they get older lol. Boys start off bad and get better, girls are the opposite :-)

  12. No, it was a female that searched him first, but it was the bloke who searched him last that made a "joke" of it. However, this bloke DID put his hands in my sons pockets, checked the waistband of his trousers and underwear, told him to take his shoes off, checked them and checked the soles of his feet because he had socks on and all of this was without asking permission first, but my son said he had nothing to hide which was why he allowed it to happen.

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