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Posts posted by stormylady

  1. Hi like many of you, I was conned by Capital Returns, I paid £95.00 upfront last September, I then decided not to proceed, I didn't sign anything, simply returned all the papers, which were wrong anyway, they were wanting me to claim on my present mortgage instead of the one they'd mentioned, when I questioned this, they argued that it was the same company, (I really don't think so), but may as well try to claim from this one anyway!!

    I had a letter from the the 9th October, 2009, to say I would receive a refund within 14 or was it 21 days, still waiting.

    So I've been in touch with the Minister of Justice who said they are dealing with many claims against this company, advised me to write another letter, (I did this in December) and tell them I wish my refund to be made within 14 working days or I'll be taking further action, he also asked if they had permission to act on my behalf. If I do not get my refund with this, then I have to contact the MoJ again.

    One big problem, the only letter I had from Capital Returns I sent to the MoJ, and now have no address for them, he did tell me it's


    417 - 419 Shelton New Road, Hartshill,


    but don't know any more than that, does anyone else have this address for them?

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