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Posts posted by trickywalnut

  1. Hi Yes we also entered the agreement end Nov beginning of Dec and had an interest free loan. I spoke to BPF today and they stated that they wanted me to "try" computeach and if we had problems to contact them once we had started training. In the circumstances, no job, loan going out each month, tryng to self study it may be the smarter option for us. They also said to me that by getting Computeach onboard they had kept their side of the contract... not sure how much legal validity this has though. I stated that I had discarded Computeach in my choices when I had chosen advent and I would like a different provider. They just told me to try Computeach and report any problems to them. Has anyone else had similar advice from BPF?

  2. One thing I noticed today is that Computeach dont seem to do the CISCO route. Surely that means that Barclays have not provided equal trianing. The course we have booked on we cannot complete as CT dont sem to offer that. have I missed it. So I chose Advent over some other companies because they went the whole CISCO training route and that cannot be completed. Does anyone know if that means we can just claim back the money as they cannot provide the training that we booked??



  3. I have found out more from NITLC than Barclays have told me since january when we found out that advent had gone into administration.


    Computeach - the alternative provider, do not appear to do the CISCO route, so they dont actually offer the course that we started???? Does this mean that barclays are in Breach of contract? They told us that they would provide equal or better alternative but they dont even appear to d the course we are signed up for? Can I claim the monies so far paid out to them, having received no exams or anything from Advent. All we have had is some books and no more before they went bust.


    Any ideas?

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