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Posts posted by fredddi

  1. ieuan not sure youll ever read this but ill say it anyway


    you are a great man and i can only aspire to as great a father and man as you


    to take on such a fight for your son as you have is inspirational


    i know you have not quite yet won the war you wanted too

    whether you continue is up to you but sometimes its best to take satisfaction from the battles you have won and get on with your life.


    i hope youve found peace , happiness and satisfaction from bringing your son back from the brink and allowing him to get on with his life again which im sure he is eternally grateful.


    best wishes and god speed to you and your family

  2. None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free






    spitting your dummie because youve been asked to dress professionally


    which youve already said is in your employment terms


    and then 'if hes no doing it so should i':grin::grin:


    had exactly the same conversation with my 12 year old today :grin::p:p:grin::grin:


    I can't believe the nerve of you all, its people like you lot who have made the banks go bust and caused the credit crunch. All demanding your charges back and lowering the interest rates in the process. Why don't you just pay the charges like reasonable people?


    hahahaha and comparing this situation with bank charges hahahaha8):-grin:


    ive gotta stop reading i think im gonna wet myself:grin::grin::grin::p:p:p

  3. thx dx your a star


    i know there standard quest's spent the last few hours reading threads and understand the issues but was hard to find specifics to my issues as sooo many threads was just looking for clarity as most of the threads are relating to loans was just looking for confirmation on whether the face to face thing (or lack of) was an issue so thx.


    right im off to 'go get em' :D:D


    tx again ill update

  4. OK as much info as poss as suggested as i cant seem to find any threads that seem to address these issues :confused::confused:


    I have 4 credit cards all i believe with ppi i have several questions if you could be so kind?


    from what i can remember 3 of the cards were applied for through postal applications during the time of 'give a dog a loan' period when cards were offered left right and centre. 1 was egg which to be honest cant quite remember how i applied maybe online maybe postal. but NONE were at anytime a face to face app so to speak cant really remember if i spoke to anyone on the phone either.

    im in the process of requesting CCA so should have more info in the future (presuming they can find them:D) and will request sar etc if/when needed.

    all of these cards are also currently in default at the mo and with dca's



    1 as these were 'distant' applications can they be defined as missold as i filled the app rather than having someone sell it to me or do they have duty of care to get in touch and explain issues etc?


    2 does 1 ppi arrangement cover all credit arrangements or are they only for the individual cards i.e if i had 1 would i need more.?


    3 as i say cant remember the apps but does having to tick a box to say you DONT want ppi be defined as disguised/misselling because i cant really see me asking specifically for it.?


    4 i do remember having a letter a fair while ago about ppi stating i think a change in t&c or a continuation in ppi and to conact them if i wanted to cancel. where do i stand with this?


    5 as they are currently in default will this hugely affect any attempt at a claim ie be argued im only claiming it as missold because im in financial difficulty or can i argue that i only understood/realised the situation with ppi when i now have studied my current finances.?


    thanks in advance for any help given

  5. i too have had several of these phone calls anything up to 5 a day


    i 1471 the nos (there were several nos but always a strong asian accent but some times a completely dead call or just noise) and googled it. it seems to be either a [problem] of some sort or cold calling for consolidation loans/debt management.

    all the calls reported and commented on were very rude some even swearing at the recipient and became completely confused or flustered when questioned more about why they were calling.

    but all seemed to be requesting banking info


    some had the correct info about the house holder but some the same as the op had old info.

    sounds like someone bought and old number list from somewhere and are pushing a very unsuccessful attempt at a [problem] as the callers are far from smooth operators:p

  6. A big THANK YOU for your prompt replies it has relieved a little of the stress.

    I will now begin the process you have advised.


    @silverfox1961 thank you for your reply i am in the process of trying to claim benefits but for various reasons which i wont go into its proving troublesome but your advice is truly welcomed and appreciated.


    again thank you

    i will try and update as to how it went and may have further questions as after reading a few of these threads think my bank may also need a bit of a talking to (politely obviously:grin:)

  7. i am currently being pursued for 4 credit card debts on which i have been unable to pay. due to frankly having the worst year of my life.


    TBH i have frankly ignored them for 8+ months now (i know i know worst thing to do) my last communication from me was basicly a phone call saying i was taking debt advice and would be in touch. after which i have not responded to any communication. due to being away for several months until recently.


    they have been passed to DCA's who are now pursuing.

    they have issued several final demands as well as some offers of reductions for full payment etc etc but i am in no position to take them up on these offers. as i currently have zero income at the mo.


    i did make a claiim against charges through a claim company which i won with 2 of the cards which has been taken off what i owe but now i owe the claim co money :-x (wish id found this site earlier)


    these credit cards are pre 2004.

    2 are with bercly crd 1 of these was with someone else originally but to be honest not sure who it was maybe m b n a or gol dfi sh or r b .s???

    1 cittti bnk

    1 eg

    total around 7k


    My questions are what can i do from here?

    can i pursue the non enforcable angle as they are all old or is it too late for that due to being passed to dca?

    what can i do from here to delay the court action until i can sort out my income?

    and these cards are at my parents address as that is where i originally applied for them from but have not changed the address if i change my address now will this take the bad debt/credit issues away from that address or is it too late for that and can the dca's take any action against that address as i no longer live there?


    apologies as i know all these questions have already been asked i tried to search the threads but hard not to get confused :confused:


    any advice very much appreciated or pointers to useful threads for me

    as im very much bemused and concerned by the whole situation:|

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