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Posts posted by Stevolfc

  1. What i cant understand is..we signed a contract with Advent...they went bust..our provider found a "new" or alternative provider fair enough. WHY then are we obliged to take this new facility? Does it say in section 75 that we have no choice? no say? After all..its our money and we chose to invest in Advent, not Computeach! I recieved my fos letter before, and yet again theyre reluctant to continue my claim..idiots! Im just going to continue annoying them with more letters for the sake of it. Hope Hausfield sort this out for us and we get our money back!

  2. Thanks guys for the response! - i'm going to write an appeal letter tomorrow. However im struggling to find it hard not to start the letter with "are you on drugs?!" so i'm going to have to think of something excellent to get their brains working. They've totally overlooked Section 75 which is totally ignoring my complaint entirely! I hope the Financial Ombudsman who is assessing my appeal sees it clear as day whats happened and orders a re-fund of some sort!

  3. A bit of help people!


    Has anyone recieved anything back from FO about their complaint yet?! (not sure if this has already been the case but i've not been fully upto speed on the forum lately)

    The FO are declining my complaint?!?! I quote... "Having considered all the evidence and circumstances surrounding your complaint, i am of the opinion that the business offer to appoint an alternative course provider is fair and reasonable in the circumstances"


    How do i sort of counteract this with an explanation that computeach are not like for like? Another quote from the letter "Under the relevant rules Barclays Partner Finance has an obligation to ensure it provides the goods, in this case a computer course, i am not of the opinion that by changing the providor, barclays partner finance is not able to provide the course. I Believe that by finding an alternative provider it has fulfilled its obligation to provide the goods which i find to be a reasonable solution"


    Im not sure what to write back, the only thing they questioned was the "help you find a new job" part of the advent contract, which they have dismissed in this letter because i wasnt specificially guarenteed a specific job. What ever happened to Section 75?! I dont quite understand the "under the relevant rules" part either.


    If anyone can help? - I've just sent my documents to the solicitor buzzbutt is sorting out as i wasnt sure if the FO could sort it..now i know they cant :(

  4. You should look at the facebook group 'support Group for Fraser McKenzie students' after a number of people contacting the Financial Ombudsman, Barclays Partner Finance has now started sending out letters saying they are going to cancel the loans and refund any moneys paid. But this only seems to happen if you are pers...istent in writing to BPF and/or if you contact the FO. I suggest everyone in this group does this, if you want get BPF to give you your money back and cancel your loan


    So this isnt anything to do with advent? or our situation?

  5. surely though with the huge price difference bpf cant expect us to serioulsy pay the 5,000 that most of us are even before all the interest.....even if we had to take extra time the course is still cheaper?


    thats basically the arguement! We shouldnt have to pay anything, and it should be in the same terms and conditions as advent..otherwise they're not holding their end of the contract.

  6. hi guys just spoke to computeach the msca and mcse costs £1679 for a year contrcta. Thats way less than advent.... surely thats not right ??how can they put us on a course thats cheaper and expect us to pay more


    its totally different to advent, its like a phone contract, someone pointed out on earlier posts. How you can expect to complete an mcse in a year with no experience i'll never know

  7. Hi

    I am writing this again I cant see my post

    I just got a letter from computeach telling me that they are now my training provider.

    They give a website address to access my "records" and login and confirm my details and courses.

    I think that they are fishing.. they only have our contact details and want us to tell them what we have been doing.

    this is in my letter..

    "here you will be able to confirm that the contact details we for you are correct, you will also be able to update your email and postal address as well as telephone numbers at this site.

    By doing so, we will assume that you want to continue your training(and are happy for us to use your records as set out below)".


    I will not be logging on and I do not wish to be trained by them.. and I do not wish barclays to give any money in my name to this company.. I would rather burn it.. it means the same thing to be "trained" by this company. :evil:


    It's a joke mate..the whole thing is! - i havent had the letter yet but i've had the email. I just dont understand why we as students dont have a say on whats going on. It's like we're just being pawned off, we signed contracts with advent for our training, and bfp for the finance. Advent go bust, we dont get what we paid for, we get money back?! its simple?!?!?! But bfp are tight and dont want to give money back so they'll just pawn us off on computeach who are nothing like advent just to save cash. I think the computeach idea is clearly for people not fighting and just be told what to do, the people who fight (like us) will eventually get something!

  8. No, nothing on there at all. Only my signature. i was visited by Peter Moore of VOX Industrial technologies, there is a signature on the green part of my agreement but not by him dated 30/01/2008. alarm bells did kind of ring when i though to myself why on earth is a company director coming to my house selling me an IT course, should of followed my thoughts.


    Did he have the Posh italian sports car? haha i had him too

  9. Just checked Computeach's FAQ's and another interesting nugget of information - they only let you sit exams at their exam centre.


    Again - different to Advent, who let you sit exams at Prometric centres near your house.


    Also looks to me like the course structure is different - you pass an online mock, then go in for a workshop and then take the real exam at the end of the workshop.. interesting.


    not liking that, the idea for me was to take the exam local to my house, i live 100 miles away from birmingham so its hardly simple!

  10. hey I just checked my other email account and I also have email from computeach.. I have not read it yet.. have other things to do.


    I have a question since we have not signed up with computeach has barclays broken the data protection act by giving away our email address and details??


    The email states that they're "merging" information from advent to computeach. Going by what i've heard on here, i wont be "logging in" to anything

  11. When I phoned them in Feb I was told BPF was not the same company as Barclays Bank I tried to tell her I did not see the difference.. but she insisted that it was so.. as if their boss does not report to the same chairman. :mad:

    Also yes all these Billions they made profit and how? .. I get 0.7% interest on my savings account and the bosses payout all those bonuses because they have done such a good job of screwing their customers.

    No other business do I know of is gauged by how much they make out of their customers.. and they say they are doing us a favour they give us a service.. well lets see it Barclays we know you read these forums..


    why did you not consult your customers and ask what they wanted to do.. which training provider would I like to use instead?

    QA has been recomended to me by the job centre(why they did not tell me this last year?) and I checked out QA's website seems to offer training packages they call them training in a box.. you get everything to get you to your certification as well as online support with a given timescale and training days.. (its a module not one great big training course with no end in sight) that to me sounds reasonable.


    Yeah i hear what your saying about QA - we had our ITIL in work with them, they're really good!

  12. I've still not had a reply yet from BPF. Still awaiting a response after the FO wrote to them about my claim on s75. I cant believe they're "making" us go to a company thats already being sued for lack of service!! Essentially, we as students are not considered important. They posted £11.5billion profit recently aswell!

    Who put barclays in charge anyway?!! Clearly barclays did not plan on advent going under at the beginning, so this shabby attempt to put together an alternative provider is shocking!! Computeach - i think not. This is our futures they're messing with here!

  13. Hey Guys,


    I'm new to the forums! - been reading for a couple of weeks now but i've decided to join the fight! I've joined the petition and i've already wrote to barclays and got the usual response "we are finding a new provider shortly" bla bla. I'm going to ring the Financial Ombudsman later on to see if i have a case as i'm fed up with all this now! I've paid off my agreement with advent a few months ago in full - what a waste of money. No qualification and nearly 5k down!!!

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