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Posts posted by PastIt

  1. Received a letter yesterday which couldn't have possibly crossed with mine where they state that the £24 is arrears (which they aren't) and that I have until 3rd May 2011 to pay or else the account will be passed to normal collections activity. Also enclosed is an acceptance form that I am supposed to complete and return with the money. If I wish to discuss this account I can telephone them (no point). Letter ends with the comment 'I trust this clarifies our position'. Still not sure if I must pay this money, although I think not. Should I just send everything to FOS for their help?

  2. Not sure if I am in the right place, first time user! Anyway, does anyone know how I might stand right now. Last year I incurred two £12 charges for apparent late payment, they arrived on the same day. I paid up my account in full within a month minus the £24 and sent an email to say I didn't agree with charges, they replied that I had to. They have since been chasing me for this money plus a lot of interest. I did contact FOS who wrote to them on my behalf, they replied with an offer for me to pay just the £24 and I have replied that I still don't agree with it. What do you think?

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