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Posts posted by rachel2609

  1. This topic was closed on 03/07/19.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  2. This topic was closed on 03/06/19.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  3. This topic was closed on 03/06/19.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  4. This topic was closed on 03/06/19.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  5. This topic was closed on 03/06/19.

    If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there.

    If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened.

    - Consumer Action Group

  6. Reporting good news! Mum has received a cheque today for £680ish which is the amount of charges, plus interest to the point of claim and court fee. She has decided to accept this, and that is us finished for all our claims.


    Started back in March this year and have had money back from Lloyds TSB, Citicards and now YB - Mum is well chuffed and it will be a happier Xmas this year!! Donation will be made once cheque has cleared!

  7. AS you know me and my Mum went to Court 2 weeks or so ago, and SCM failed to show. We have now received a letter from them with a numebr of glaringly obvious errors, and offering to settle on the claim which is currently going to court on 8th November, but for the sums of money which me and Mum attended on 27th September!!! How confusing, anyway have drafted a letetr back to them, and wondered what anyone elses thoughts were.




    Claim Number: 6QZ 24850


    I refer to your letter dated 9th October 2006. I am responding to point out a number of errors in your document;


    1. Claim Number 6QZ 24850 refers to a claim for the sum of £200.00 plus interest and court fee of £30.00. To date this claim stands at £269.44, and is due to be heard at Doncaster County Court on 8th November 2006.


    2. The figures referred to in your letter are in relation to my other claim 6QZ 24852 that was heard in Doncaster County Court on 27th September, 2006 at which your Client’s representative failed to show, and therefore your defence was struck out.


    A General Form of Judgement was issued to you dated 4th October 2006 ordering you to pay £640.84 (at the date of judgement) inclusive of all costs and interest by today’s date, 11th October 2006.


    3. Your letter continually refers to overdraft facility and current account, I have held neither with Lloyds TSB. These claims are both in relation to my Credit Card account, now closed.


    I am willing to settle the matter in relation to the claim number 6QZ 24850 and would be happy to receive a cheque within 7 days made payable to (My Mum) for the sum of £200, plus interest to date of settlement and court cost of £30.00.


    Any thoughts? Anyone that I can complain to about the gross incompetence of this shower????

  8. Hey Caro


    Behind you 100% as well, we must be the only 2 of the original lot to still be waiting I think!?! I have learnt the lesson that patience is indeed a virtue, even if it does drive you to distraction.


    Everyday I am ringing my Mum, have you had any post, I must be like a broken record, but the waiting is frustrating, but as you say all the more sweeter when they finally pay whats owed.


    Chin up!!!



  9. Hello friends


    Just wanted to let you know i went to Court this morning with my Mum for one of her other claims, of course the solicitors did not turn up so we gt judgement by default, but I have added the link so you can see what happened.


    It was an alright expereince to be fair, and the Judge was a dead nice bloke, cant say whether I would be saying the same thing had their solicitors bothered to turn up, but not complaining!




    Nothing further from Kirstie Ross in relation to the stay not being extended by the Courts, and no date from the Court at this satge either.



  10. Hello Peeps!


    Just got back from the court, quelle suprise SCm or their representatives did not show.


    Me and Mum were taken into see theJudge, was all very pleasant, the Judge was a lovely guy. He explained to us that he was giving us Judgement by Default and this was not the same as being victorious by proving your case. He said that as we were no doubt aware there were literally 1000's of cases of this nature in the Court system, and to date none had been defended or had a decision made on the poins of law. But he felt sure that this would happen sooner or later.


    He quibbled a bit about the interest on the spreadsheet, as it was out by .something of a pence per charge, but we agreed that anythign that was over and above would be offset by the interest accrued since the defence papers were submitted to the Court 14 days ago.


    So in this case we have a judgement for my Mum in the sum of approxiamtely £700 including interest and fees, will quote exact figures later.


    The experience on the whole wasn't too bad, was more scared when we saw all the Court bailiffs coming out of their offices - there was some big bloke!!!!!


    Won't get over enthused until the cheque is in my Mum's hand, then I will call SCM and see if they wish to settle on the other case which is listed for 9th November.



  11. No nothing.


    Court have apparently had no contact from SCM, no defence documents sent or anything, which to me, and correct me if I am wrong is directly defying the instruction given by the Court which clearly stated that 14 days before the case, documents which are to be relied on in Court should be sent to all parties and the Court, the originals should be brought along to the hearing. I sent mine both to the Court and faxed to SCM (all 26 pages) on 12th September, have the receipt from the fax machine showing all as sent - so no excuses from them.


    As it stands, me and my Mum are ready to go to Doncaster Court tomorrow morning. I for one, though pooping a little, am ready for a fight!


    I guess I will have to wait and speak to my Mum this afternoon and see if she has had any correspondence from them.



  12. Still awaiting any further contact from SCM. I phoned the Court last week to be told that they had received no further documentation from them - not going to get my hopes up but the Court have had zero contact from them either. They have no excuse about not knowing about the court date as I faxed a copy of my defence to them with all the details atatched, have retained the fax receipt for my own records - so no denying it!

  13. Defence has got to be at Court adn to SCM by tomorrow - Court date 27th September, this is what I have so far:


    A full statement from my Mum about why she thinks the charges are penalties

    Copies of all correspondence - date ordered

    Copy of OFT Statement

    Copy of T & C for CC - dated 2004 off website (thanks Dolly!)as they have failed to send copy as requested

    Copy of P McNamara interview

    Relevant clauses in legislation


    I am putting it all together in a bundle of docs to send to court and SCM, have had experiecne of doing Employment Tribunal cases, but this is a bit different.


    Any help gratefully received.

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