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Posts posted by Johnstaberner

  1. I too got caught by the Opus'es in April 2008, when a verbal conversation resulted in a 4 year contract at prices of 35% above what I already paid. OPus were very clever and retained the contract extract of the conversation which did not question there basis of fact, but did in other areas of the conversation. I tried to cancel the changeover on 3 separate occasions with my current supplier who said they were unable to stop Opus taking over, I also wrote to the ombudsman, but got no reply. Upshot is I am a small business paying more than £500.00 a year more for my electricty than I was before this started and will continue to do so for another 2 years.

    New laws came out in January 2010 to protect the consumer but are not retrospective. Also you will need to notify Opus 90 days before the contract expires to actually cancel it. So for me there is no way out, (unless you know different?). I was conned, my previous supplier could not stop it, the ombudsman was not interested and new legistration does not help. Do Opus actually have any satisfied customers?.

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