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Posts posted by the_ripper

  1. I have read this thread from the very beginning, and felt obliged to speak up in the interests of being of some help.


    Throughout this thread, everyone talks about courts and debt recovery agencies. I just simply wish to tell everyone here that none of this matters whatsoever. The DVLA is listed on Dunn & Bradstreet as a RUN FOR PROFIT CORPORATION, as is every local council in the land and the police forces (Devon & Cornwall are owned by IBM). Even the UK is listed on there as UK plc, trading under the name of Alister Darling MP. Simply put, a private, run for profit company has NO standing in law and therefore can not be an authority. They have no power over you.


    Ok, some of you, if not all on here, are thinking that I'm probably a nutter. But don't believe a word I say - go here and watch the presentation, it will explain everything much better than I can.


    John Harris - 'It's an illusion' talk at the Stoke 'Lawful Rebellion' Conference | www.tpuc.org


    The video lasts for approx. 57 minutes. Please spare just 1 hour of your time, with an open mind. It will be well worth it if it solves your problems with the DVLA. I hope this helps.



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