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Posts posted by misskrumbo

  1. Don't be silly i aint upset, thanks for your concern though!

    Why should i get my own thread, excuse me.

    Boosting dam's confidence.

    Have you lot come up with any real help for her yet.

    whats up have all the investigators come home from work now or what?

    You investigators are not the only guy's with a voice.

    But you get a kick out of makin sure people lose there homes and possesions,

    all day long, then what do you do? feel guilty and get on sites like this and dish out advice on how to solve peoples problems that you cause.

    So whats your expert advice to dam's.

    You are a strange breed of humanity!:grin::grin::grin:

  2. Every body who is chattin on this site has got problems concerning the title.

    why dont you pull your head back in, you are boring me now.

    We know dams has got some problems, i understand her.

    but where there is a will there is a way. Or do you not agree.

    Whats wrong with tryin to Boost dams confidence. She should be told that there is nothing wrong in fighting back. Better to fight back than lose everything. Its ok saying poor dams. I am saying appeal fight back.

    Do what you have to do to protect yourself from these Bottom feeders, (investigators) Try every trick in the book, And after 12 wks go to the local government omsbudsman, and complain to them, she could even ring them now for a chat and ask what there opinion is.

    Do you know somthing i think you are one of them. May be D.W.P. or some other agency.

    My advice to anybody is fight back, at least you learning along the way.

    Has anybody ever had experience of a decent crimminal solicitor on legal aid.

    If any body wants one i would be pleased to give a number to you.

    She spent one hour talking me through the legalities of this investigation stuff right through to what they can and can not do or say to you. About court stuff the lot. All for free, Then about the process of legal aid.:p

  3. I know i have done nothing wrong! Its still going to take a lot to prove it and i am not out of the wood yet! Far from it. But ones thing for sure if they wanna spout (edit) i will fire it back. All these people who are frightened should not be, worried sick and not sleeping. The lose of there homes. These (edit) who do this so called investigating are Knobs. They should be the ones who can not sleep at night. (edit) if you do not protect yourself and get some legal aid and a crimminal solic, they will unfortunatly (edit) all over anybody they can. Crimminal solic are trained to fight your corner no matter what you have done or have not done, weather you are right or wrong. Phone one and ask for a free consultation over the phone, you will be amazed at what they tell you.

  4. Hay Dams, I had one of them, last october. If you have been getting benefits of any kind you can hire a crimminal solicitor even if they have stopped yr benefits. You should get legal aid. They are nasty and like to twist things.

    I denied all allegations. They said they where going to get into my bank account, check me out with imagration, all sorts of things. I was spoken to like ****. I was also tricked to going to there interview. They said they wanted a chatt about the person i share a house with. i am not in a relationship, just share a house with a work college. They said they wanted to know how i could afford a nice car, and live in a nice house. I was only on benefits for 4 months. i SPOKE TO THE CRIMMINAL SOLICITOR. She told me that they can not get into my bank account and could not go to immagration. I have not been out of this country in five years. They said if i had i was in deeep trouble. (edit)! Its just rubbish. The only evedence he showed me was a face book page which was five yrs old, and a tampered with old work contract from an x employee. I appealed to the council, got no responce and now i have gone to my local govrenment ombudsman. Who has given the chief exc of the council my second complaint and told them to deal with it.

    In this situation you need to complain and complain, i was interviewd like a terrorist. I have worked and paid uk taxes all my life. And just a short few months on benefits has caused so much trouble. I will fight all the way. If you are innocent fight them. The benefit system is there for us to use in times when we have no other means. I have not abused it.

    Another thing never ever go into these interviews alone. What people dont understand is you are put under caution, they can say what they want to you. If you get a crimminal SOLICITOR AND TAKE THEM WITH YOU. CRIMMINAL SOLICITORS ARE **** hot. i HAD ADVICE FROM ONE. Amazin what she told me. Like what the investigators can and can not do. No they

    can not get into my bank account, and check it, no they can not go to immagration, ihope they do, it will prove i am telling the truth. Loads of stuff, i was shakin in my boots until i took advice. The best bit of advice was do not worry. IT TAKES MONTHS FOR THEM TO GET TO THE END OF IT. FIVE MONTHS NOW ALL I HAVE HAD IS ONE INVOICE. THAT WAS IN NOVEMBER 09. I APPEALED AND IT STOPPED THEM SENDING THE INVOICES. Appeal and they have around 12 wks to answer, then appeal again. Also write letters of complaint, lots of them to all agencies concerned. I know it is fustrating but hang on in there. Do not stress. The one bad thing the investigators did to me was what they said when they switched the tape off, at the end. He said he was going to get me big time. Cause i swore at him a few times, and told him to find some real evidence to take me to court.

    Stand up for rights, we live in a democratic country. Not china.

    Sorry about spellings.

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