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Posts posted by troglodyte

  1. Yes i did refute it my family wrote a couple of letters refuting the evidence and it was withdrawn to he has mental health issues. Funnily enough i applied for a job with naughty kids in homes my CRB was clean but i did not take up the position that was due to the employers not giving me a clear date to start when i got the job so i lost interest, now i would not apply for such jobs.


    what my CRB says now is """""""" It came to notice in 2009 when concerns where raised by his family and hospital representatives about his mental well being. that is on my ECRB which afeter letters this was the outcome. I was missing for just 1 hour at the time before my admittance to hospital


    I hate the system that can put lies into a CRB but this outcome is true but i am no criminal there cant be justice here

  2. MY CRB said at first things like he was going to walk into the sea when i was going to get fresh air by the sea when i collapsed and needed help. The police were informed i argued by letter that the person helping me was misinformed. The CRB was then revised he has mental health issues. I went to hospital and was cured then CRB came for a foster parents job which i had not aplied for, i filled in a form to say and i was eligable to look after a foster child if the fosterer was away. It was approved but no longer. So the cops got that wrong! The local mental health team wrote to the fosterer i cant look after fostering children anymore, sided with caution for review in 5 years. When this happens you feel useless but i am educated have degrees and diplomas, and because of this and how easy things are put on the CRB by word of mouth no evidence that mental health will go against you for every job you apply for. I feel like a fugitive for an illness that happened, and i have only been ill with it twice in 47 years for a short period of time

  3. does the CRB disclose a mental health issue if the job was for something like the DWP that i have applied for which is working for the government as a clerical officer, should i inform them even though for this the police should not disclose!


    The police could be horrible and disclose for say a clerical worker. And i dont tell my employer then they find out, it seems im an im poster for being ill.

  4. I have a CRB for a mental health issue does this mean im a criminal it came up on my CRB for a job as foster carer which i did not apply for i visit my son and my ex is a foster carer who has a foster child.


    I am an unemployed postgraduate does this mental health issue which i have recovered which was only a 3 week illness mean that i cannot find employment again because of the story some bystander told the police about me when i was ill. I had anxiety and stress i feel this has wrecked my chances of employment though im educated! Please advice me!:(

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