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steve ellaby

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Posts posted by steve ellaby

  1. Looking through my statements as well as referral charges etc I am also being charged interest monthly on my overdraft – the question is – What is the position with interest charges – are they justified ?

    Any help comments would be gratefully received – thank you.

    Regards, Steve.

  2. Thanks Dave,

    I have had no response from the RBOS,

    Good piece of news on my local TV station though last night, The Nat-West settled with a customer who threatened to take them to court, they paid in full £3900 big ones. Very promising.

  3. I have handed the letter into the local branch on Friday the 14th personally with my ten pounds, , The ball is rolling now, I’m waiting for them to reply (Or not),

    I will have do some more reading on the next stages but I’m feeling happy I have started,


  4. I read the FAQ’s (As instructed LOL)

    And I have completed and printed the template requesting all charges incurred,

    I will be handing in the letter personally to my local branch tomorrow,

    Wish me luck, I will keep you all posted.

  5. Hi my name is Steve Ellaby

    I have had trouble with my bank “Royal Bank of Scotland” for ages and I’m sick and tried of it all.

    I would like to know how you first approach the bank requesting a record of all there bank charges, I would much appreciate any guidance.


    Steve Ellaby


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