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Posts posted by GillyBee

  1. I have recently posted my letters to my MP but as yet have had no reply whatsoever! :|


    I have also had Mrs A Lyness's little yellow card (which I ignored) and tonight had a phone call from Allied International. I refused to do their security checks though as I told them I didn't know who they were so they just gave up in the end. 8-) I will now send them the template letter as suggested - thanks guys!


    On a slightly happier note - I am about to get the keys for my new house this week. Although BPF trying to sully my credit rating with several months payments behind, I added my comments when they first started and managed to get a mortgage despite them. Ha! :razz:


    Just need the legal team to squash them in court now and end this nightmare once and for all. Thanks so much to Fuzz and all who have been consistently offering help and encouragement to the rest of us despairing souls. Hang on in there guys!!

  2. Cheers Fuzzbutt. I've already sent my letter to say my account is in dispute a while ago (sent by recorded delivery and signed for at their end) so do I now write AGAIN to say I'm part of group action as I wasn't when I sent the dispute letter?


    And what about FOS? Is that an essential step or not now that we have Hausfeld?


    You must be exhausted with all this! Are you holding up?

  3. Me too! Mine has no postmark other than what looks like an orange barcode along the bottom - not sure what that is!


    Still getting 5 or 6 phone calls a day and it's doin my heid in! :(


    I've taken the advice not to contact any of them now that it's in the hands of the legal team but not sure if I should reply back to BPF's latest letter re looking into my complaint ... blah blah ... decision by 23rd July etc. or should I pass this to FOS? I'm a bit confused as I thought if you're with legal team you just left it to them now. :confused:

  4. Why is my finance agreement 0% interest??? It's 5995 over three years!!


    so is mine! One of the reasons that my slick salesman got me to finally sign was that he had never seen an offer like this before! ...... and like a lamb to the slaughter I was finally swayed! :mad:


    On a side note I am just recovering from a horrendous gastric bug the type of thing that I never usually get and I'm blaming that totally on the 6 months of stress I've had with this fiasco and the daily phone calls from BPF's army of pesterers! :mad::mad:

  5. Haven't had any phone calls today either! Maybe they're plotting their next move!


    Isn't it funny that despite me telling them several times on the phone to put anything they wanted to say in writing as I wouldn't discuss anything on the phone, and despite them persistantly phoning several times a day up until Friday - still nothing in writing!


    Hmmm - that speaks volumes doesn't it? If they felt that they were in the right they would have said it in a letter.


    BTW I sent my original complaint letter a few weeks back and had the standard "blah blah we've done our bit" back. I then sent Dispute letter as per Hausfeld template and haven't heard any more. Do I need to send anything else to BPF or to FOS to continue my complaint to "Final answer" stage or just sit tight now and do nothing? Anyone got any advice?

  6. Thanks for that Skyblue Dave that's sorted things for me now. I guess I'm so anxious about this whole sorry saga that I can't see the wood for the trees. Information Overload!!


    It's good to see more and more new people joining Fuzzy's Posse though. Don't know what I would have done without this Forum and all the help from everyone. Think I'll be following Bluedo's advice too. :)

  7. You can complaint to the Ombudsman if BPF have given you a final response and you are unhappy and/or the complaint has taken over 8 weeks (since your first letter) to resolve.


    Its not much but BPF do get fined for every complaint that we make to the FOS also.


    Thanks Savarok so if I'm understanding this right - I have to wait 8 weeks from date of my 1st letter before I can go to FOS? And meantime do I do nothing or keep complaining to BPF until 8 weeks is up? And what about Trading Standards / CAB - should I involve them too now or wait for Fuzzy's friend. ;)


    Incidentally I got the next BPF letter today, as others have, stating next payment due 15th May!!! :-x

  8. Bluedo did you say that you were from Scotland? I remember someone saying that anyway! If that's the case we surely have an excellent get-out clause for the not being like-for-like. I was told by my salesman that the exams were all local and the workshops, although very beneficial, were entirely optional. If this had not been the case there is just no way that I could have contemplated travelling the 730 mile round trip more than once or twice a year. How many trips of this length would CT be expecting me to do in year??? Impossible when I work full-time! :eek:


    Incidentally Thanks to everyone on this site for help and advise - especially site team (percentage of my refund will definately be coming your way!) I have just sent my first letter of complaint to BPF (thanks to all whose suggested content made it so much easier) and made an enquiry via Consumer Direct. Do I need to do anything else other than wait patiently for Martin's expert advise?

  9. report.gif Look to the left of the screen under your user name .. at the bottom. If you click on it, a response box will pop up. Just type in your request for assistance and hit submit. Site team will then be alerted to your post/query.


    Thanks. For the benefit of any other numpties like myself I've just discovered that unless you log in there is no triangle! No wonder I couldn't find it! :oops:


    I was also wondering, as I researched training providers originally and narrowed my choice down to Advent or NITLC (Advent had the edge with their Advent Careers Service), as part of that process I deliberately DIDN'T choose Computeach because of their bad press. How can BPF therefore force me to go with a training provider that I actively rejected?

  10. Thanks Bluedo. OK I know I'm being a bit dense here, but what wee red traingle - where?? Also I have a credit agreement with BPF that I have paid about 10 months of. They allowed me to suspend the course after our devastating house fire but not the finance. It was totally interest free (and I must admit that's what finally got me to sign up) but is now frozen and DD cancelled. Which thread do I need for that and what do I do? Must be getting tired so thanks for the pointers

  11. Can those of you who want to take legal action with CAG assistance, please identify yourselves :D


    Those of you who have made complaints to Trading Standards/OFT/Consumer Direct, can you let us know what responses you received.


    If any of you have received communication from DCAs, can you let us know.


    Thanks :)

    Yes please! I would like to take legal action with CAG assistance. I've been following this thread from the start but don't have all of my initial documentation due to a house fire last May (I only started the course in March 09 and had just returned to it in Jan this year!) Still working my way through this thread so haven't contacted anyone yet. Count me in!

  12. I had a look at them I have nothing against them but I'm stressed out with this mess and can't even consider studying at the moment.

    Plus if I choose to carry on with this then I'd like to be able to not make the same mistake again and I'd choose a different way of doing this. but I'd like it to be my decision.

    I object to being forced onto some training provider that a bank who in my opinion is untrustworthy provides, and is only after making massive profits and doesn't give a hoot for anything but their big fat bonuses


    I totally agree! I think we should get our money back or be given some kind of credit note to be able to spend on the training of our choice. I would also like to do things differently now with hindsight, but having effectively paid £1000 for the first two books, I would at least like to pass the Comptia A+ exam ASAP without having to wait for things to happen in bankers time!


    NITLC appear to be offering free workshops to replace the one I was planning to do in May which is why I'm wondering if anyone has heard any bad press about them (yeah I'm suspicious now!) My anxiety to do something is also based on possible redundancies happening at my work (non IT job) with the Advent course being my escape plan! :(

  13. Like all the rest of you, I am waiting to see what will happen in this whole sorry mess. So far I haven't had any correspondence from either Advent or BPF (other than the anouncement e-mail from Advent). I have cancelled my Direct Debit - as advised by Barclays when I phoned them on Friday - and was told that they were seeking an alternative provider of the same or better quality for no extra cost.


    My query is that, according to Advent's notice, Barclays "were pulling out of the student training sector" so how can they be prepared to put money into another one? Is it all just a smokescreen? And is it just coincidence that they are advertising huge profits immediately after pulling the rug from under Advent?


    I totally agree with Babado and BRW and think we should join forces and write in droves to their head office. Can't wait to see the latest letter Cashins!

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