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Ihate banks

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Posts posted by Ihate banks

  1. Just to keep everyone updated, got a letter from Wetclothes the other day saying there client had sent them instructions to withdraw the account and that I would not be hearing from them again!

    I think I might be up for a bit of peace and quiet at last.

    Thanks everyone for your help in this matter:whoo:

  2. Well almost nine months have passed and i've had peace and quiet! Untill last Saturday morning when a notice of assignment dropped through the door. Apparently they've sold the debt to Arrow global, who in turn have got wescot working for them. Now call me stupid but if the account is in dispute surely it's illegal to sell it and pass on information to a third party. Anyway i fired off the old account in dispute letter to Wetclothes a couple of days ago telling them to return it to Vanquis. Is that all I need do, or should i go and report Vanquis to the OFT, Information commisioner etc etc?

  3. Just got a letter from C.A.R.S today saying they have received my correspondence, but unfortunatley it contained insufficient information for them to resolve the matter. It also adds that they have decided to suspend proceedings against me for 7 days so that they can collate further information and that they require me to cantact one of their recovery specialists on a nice highly pricey 0844 number.

    Any suggestions on the next course of action? Do nothing? Report them to the information commisioner? Any suggestions greatly received!!

  4. Hi guys, I sent off the "in dispute" letter to C.A.R.S. on the 27th July. Just received a letter from them today saying they're going to send an agent round to the house "to establish a reason for non payment". Their letter is dated 28th July.

    Is it worth sending them another letter or should I just ignore them. Would it be worth sending a copy of the trespass letter to them? Is it worth getting a video camera set up, just in case they do pop round. Any advice will be greatly received. I have no problem with calling the police round to remove them from my property.:D

  5. Hi all, I'm new here so please bear with me if I post something wrong. Fabulous site by the way!!


    Anyway down to business:


    Back in February of this year I did a CCA request on Vanquis. They sent me back a letter containing a copy of some statements and what they said was "a copy of the executed agreement being the Vanquis terms and conditions" and also "a copy of the latest notice of variation relating to agreement". Basically a photocopy of their terms and conditions, but didn't even mention my name, address or have my signature on it.

    (For information purposes I opened the account in January 2007 and I think it was over the internet)

    Since doing the CCA on them, I also managed to reclaim about £300 worth of charges. Since then they've clobbered me for a load more charges and jacked up the interest rate to above 54%.

    I've not made any payments into the account since February as they didn't reply to my letter about ratejacking.

    I've also received three or four letters from Impact collections (Vanquis in house collection team) offering me over 50% off my balance if I repay in full before certain dates. All of which I ignored as they didn't reply to any of my letters requesting them to cease all charges and interest on the account and to set up a repayment plan with them!!

    Then back in June LCS solicitors (I think they're in house solicitors) sent a letter requesting payment in 14 days on behalf of 1st Credit. I ignored this as well.

    A couple of days ago I received a letter from Creditlink Account Recovery Solutions C.A.R.S. I've just CCA'd them and told them I don't acknowledge a debt to them.

    What should I do now? Send another letter to Vanquis stateing they have not fulfilled a CCA request.

    Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated. I'm more than willing to fight them all the way!!!

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