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Posts posted by dojj

  1. I am to, also not going to pay and have a date at county court. I dont recieve a tax reminder, so I get a V890 for, send it back as SORN. months later from a DCA get a fine. Phone DVLA, not interested. Ask them for my original SORN that I sent them, and it is sent back. This has the correct date for SORN. Still going to get a fine because they dont receive my SORN in time. I sent it on time, well on time. Phone DVLA (Deliberately violating Local Authority) still not interested. Asked DVLA do you lose items,they say NO. I fired of many Freedom Of Information Requests guess what, they lose internal mail ALL the time.


    If you are truly not guilty, fight it. The DVLA is just a cowboy outfit. Yes it will go to County Court, but dont be afraid. Remember that the DVLA were using Philips Collection Services whilst this DCA was being investigated for having unlicensed software on their 100 computers. DVLA knew about this as per FOIR made. So this just tell you, that the DVLA does not care, but its main goal is to collect revenue for their masters at Whithall.


    Happy Days!


    i'll be following this with intrest


    they cheeky gits send you a letter after you pay them, even though you pay them in protest, to say "thank you for paying the fine for not declaring sorn"


    and woe betide anyone who loses this letter because they can just send you another fine and, without this original letter you get screwed once more :(

  2. they don't listen :(

    the dvla and the llp are 2 different departments, the dvla got my letter, but that didn't stop the llp peeps sending me fines and stuff


    if i have a moment i'll type up the whole letter they sent me, including why they don't snd out recorded deivery stuff


    on the other hand, the guy i spoke ot on the phone said that they normally wait the 4 weeks for you to ask them why thigns havn't happened and then wait another 4 weeks before sending out the fines


    unforntunatly though, the llp peeps won't give a rats unless you can provide them with a copy of the letter they are asking for, lots of peole say they've backed down, but even when faced with proof that they had the correct information, the letters still kept coming, so i've paid the bill and am now in the prosess of contesting it

  3. that's what i'm thinking :(


    but i wrote to them twice in november asking where the reminder was without any reply


    i suppose this is the way they are going to "earn" money seeing as the letter also states that they get a favourable rate from the royal mail for posting their letters but they would not be able to send them out recorded as it would not be cost effective for the taxpayer


    at this point i should just swear a lot before baning my head against a brick wall ebfore paying up i suppose :(

  4. they've sent me the form, but that doesn't mean that they should still be sending me fines for something that i've not only sent 2 letters to them about, but also phoned them in regards to it, so the phone call will be in there somewhere


    i'll have to send them a poo in a box, recorded delivery, just in case it gets lost in the post

  5. i've just got a letter back from the dvla llp peeps that says:


    i note that on 30th september you sent a letter to the dvla swansea notifying the disposal of a number of vehicles in your possession. in your letter you also confirmed that a sorn declaration was currently in force for vehicle *******. i can confirm that as at 30th september 2009 this information was correct, however the sorn declaration for vehicle ******* expired on the 31st of october 2009 and the vehicle has remained unlicensed since this date


    followed by more bumpf about not making a further sorn declaration, even though i've sent 2 letters in november asking why i haven't received my reminder as i can't sorn it until i have the reminder because i can't put in any numbers


    rather than send me a letter saying "here are the numbers, sorry for any inconvenience", they've said that the letter they sent on the 1st of december telling me i was liable for the fine still needs to be paid


    so can i just wrote back to them saying that i've done what has been asked of me and i will see them in court?


    or do i just roll over and pay the fine and send them a poo in a box?

  6. so, with all the above information, how would you suggest i write to the llp people?


    i wrote to them to report 5 cars

    they sent confermation letters for 2 vehicles

    the dvla acknowledge recipt of the original letter

    the llp have writen to me asking me to proove that i wrote to the dvla

    the dvla have said it's not their problem and i need to take it up with the llp offices


    i've printed off every letter and bit of corespondance i've had with the dvla in regards to this matter and was going to send that, along with a letter asking them what they were playing at as the actual dvla have admited to getting the letters, but now i'm sort of swayed in my thinking

  7. didn';t even know the thread was here or that i could do this sort of stuff so yes, i went to court and lost, for the same reason as stated before, the judge chap who sits in the middle of you and the dvla chap, believs the dvla chap because he's wearing a smarter suit and is deaf in the ear you are sitting next to


    and if you want to challenge the ruling, it's going to cost you more and more and more so you take the hit and think yourself lucky


    i do have a letter asking me to provide all sorts of details to support my claims that i've already reported the car as sorn, so i'll send it off after reading a few more


    rote to dvla asking them to sorn 5 cars

    they sent letters back for 2

    i wrote back asking where the other letters of confermatin were

    they didn't wroite back

    i called them

    they said i had to wroite in

    i wrote in

    they doidn't write back

    they sent me a llp

    i called them

    they said write in

    i write in

    they wrote back saying i had to prove that i had confermation, "the letter"

    i am about to write back telling them all of what you have described above


    unless there is something else that can be simply and easily typed out to say "sod you" ?

  8. i've red most of this therad and have my own input to add:


    been there, done that, got fined


    they will send you one letter of aknowledgement


    if you do not have that they can do you, simple


    it does not matter how long afterwards, but you have ot keep that letter as it's the onl yproof they will accept


    mine came to pass after 3 years, i'd scraped the car, got the letter, wrote letters back to them etc saying that the car was toast and that they couldn't possibly ex[ect me to keep a letter for 3 years etc


    no, if you don't hve the letter yuo have to pay the fine


    insert random rude words here........

  9. i can confirm tha the dvla are "insert random rude words here"


    i scraped a car

    i got the letter confirming it was scrapped

    they sent me a llp 3.5 years later

    at which point i said "what's going on here then?"


    eventually i had to pay :(


    without that letter they've sent you, it does not matter a bean as to how long you have had since you got rid of the car/disposed of it/sent the v5 off i someone elses name


    you have to provide the letter or they will fine you


    i think my letter has made it into this months edition of ppc, but i'll find out tomorrow and let you know


    i'm also currently fighting the dvla on another sorn'd car which they have admitted to having a record of, but because the llp is a different department, the dvla have no say in the matter and you have to pay the continuous registration people the fine, even though i have it in writing that the car was asked to be sorn'd but there was no paperwork in order to enable it to be sorn'd as they didn't send out the sorn letter with the code on it that you have to put into the computer


    3 letters and a phone call are the proove that i have, i've even got the recorded delivery paperwork for them, and they've sorn'd 2 of the 5 cars i put on the list, but the llp ppeps won't have it :(



    what a [problem] :(


    i might just have my day in court, at least then it'll be giving me a chance to see if i can get a smaller fine lol!!! (last time i went to cuort it cost me £4k, but let's not dwell on that shall we)

  10. ok then, i shall ignore them until another letter makes an appearance :)


    but what i don't understand is who employs these charlatans in the first place


    if i was genuinly illegally parked i would have payed the fine, but the system is designed to maximise the number of peole they "catch" breaking their decidedly currpt rules


    surely the government can, inbetween financing themselves by way of expensies and ignoring the common joe out on the street, find some one to create new legislation to either bring these companies to book or close them down altogether


    the fact that you can pay a fee to get the dvla to fess up who owns the car is nothing short of scandalous :eek:

  11. Hi guys,

    I got one of these from UKPC for allegedly parking in contravention of their regulations in Faraday retail park in SEPTEMBER 2007.

    After corresponding with them and then Hunter Forrest, their henchmen, over a couple of months I eventually got the financial services ombudsman involved and all correspondence stopped.

    So I was also surprised to receive a formal notice letter from CCS Enforcement Services Ltd. yesterday requesting payment by close of business on 11.02.10.

    Mine however is only for £105.24!! anybody want a bargain ha ha.

    Anyway I know that these companies sell each other "bad debt" for a nominal sum so I can only guess that CCS have bought the "bad debtors" from Hunter Forrest and are having a go.


    having been directed to this site from another, i have read a lot of posts and have to say that you beat mine by 2 months


    they are chasing me for "stopping" in a car park in november 2007 and i got, word for word, the same letter through the post yesterday

    the ammount though is £153.50

    i'm somewhat annoyed about it but, after reading a lot of the other posts on the subject, it seems that doing nothign is the best option

    other than write them a letter telling them i've recieved their letter and going to do sod all about it?

    or just wait for them to show up? if they do?


    the basics of mine where that you have to drive across one car park in order to get to the other one, but seeing as there is only space for one car to get in and out at either end, you have to manouver about a bit in the park, which is against their rules as apprently "you must procced through the car park without stopping and that upon entering the car park you have read and agreed to the terms and conditions"

    when the police/council/legal peeps looked at it they said that there were lots of thigns wrong with it:

    parking is not the same as stopping

    you cannot comply with the rules if you have to stop to avoid an accident with anotehr vehicle

    you can't have read the rules if it's the first instance of provcceding thorugh the car park



    so ignoring them and telling them to jog on is the way to go yes?

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