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Posts posted by arob27

  1. Do you have a written statement of the terms and conditions of employment, that states your normal working hours?


    well, my contract simply states my working hours are monday, tuesday, thursday, friday 4:30-7:30.


    but not having it at hand I do not know if there are conditions. everythings hit me a bit suddenly, I was on holiday and came back and all this was in place (the hour changes we knew were coming at some point, but not what they were to be)

  2. Hi, my work is changing it's opening hours, it previously opened to 7:30 4 nights a week, however it is changing to opening 5 nights a week until 7.


    Full time staff previously worked one night a week, and a part time member of staff was employed to accompany them. I was that part timer. I work four, 3 hour shifts a week.


    However they are proposing to take the half hour I am contracted to do off the end of each shift, and put it together to make 2 hours and ask me to work on the other night. this means I will be doing four 2.5 hours shifts and one 2 hour shift. full time staff are now simple 9-5s


    Obviously this is not at all acceptable to me. a 2 hour shift is ludicrous in my opinion, especially as I travel an hour to work and that also costs money. Also having to work a shift right in the middle of the day 5 days a week isn't very fair in my opinion either. It swallows my life. (I also work saturday, so despite working being contracted only 18 hours a week, I find myself committed to 6 days work and finishing at 7, 5 nights a week)


    is there any laws on acceptable shifts, or anything I can look up that will give me a case to argue this. I would be happy maintaing 4, 3 hour shifts, starting at 4-7.


    thanks so much in advance



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