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Posts posted by Steelio

  1. I think we will have to wait for written confirmation of what Barclays/Advent intend to do. I really want to continue with my studies but feel let down by the whole situation and would prefer a full refund so I can start again with another company of my own choosing. Not sure how to go about this suppose it is a bit of a waiting game unnerving I know but will have to see what is offered.

  2. i know what you mean, she was all "i'm sorry to say but this is for west midlands only" Well how is that going to help manchester, leeds, london, scotland and so on! We need this on Granada news/BBC News anyone got any plans?



    Hi I'm from Carlisle. What about contacting your local MP surely if enough people do it may be raised in parliament. We have got to stop the rip off mentality in this country! This has the potential to ruin a lot of decent hard working people it is unjust.

  3. Hi again,


    Check out this link. Some info that you may find useful.


    Administration Help: Reclaim your cash from companies...


    Hi I'm in the same situation as everyone else but paid my loan off during the interest free period with my credit card. Will this qualify me to make a claim from the credit card company using section 75 of the consumer credit act? Not sure where I stand on this one. Will call them in the morning. If anyone else is in a similar situation please let me know.

    Also believe with so many people being effected we should stick together on this one and insist on complete refunds.

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