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Posts posted by oldbiscuit

  1. I will wait for a few days for Advent to give their account of the situation before I start seeking legal action. Meanwhile, I'm just searching on the Internet for free legal advice and more info.


    Situations when companies go insolvency is always a tough call.


    Hang in there STOPMYBEAT. We're all in the same boat. This is my second time that I've made a poor choice. First it was with ICESAVE (lucky I was compensated) and now this??? Unnecessary stress.


    Please keep us posted.

  2. Hi All,


    I too have just received the same email from Advent. I paid 6K for the ultimate package and I'm very upset by this announcement.


    We'll have to wait for a few days to hear what they've got to say. Otherwise the only next step to take is legal action. I'm not even sure if we'll get our money back for a company that's in insolvency!!!


    Fingers crossed.


    ps. Keep us posted.



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