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Posts posted by MrDan

  1. Hi I have had recent correspondance from a firm called Trevor Munn LLB Solicitors threatening me with Court action.

    The claim is for a Gym membership I took out and had to cancel due to personal issues for which I had to leave the country. I didn't think about cancelling my gym membership immediatley but did so as soon as I remembered but have now incurred costs above £350. For the period they are trying to claim for I hadn't used the Gym once and am wondering if the gym can claim money for a service that was not used?

    I find it difficult to understand what my position is on this matter but feel the claim may be unlawful after reading some reports on here which state that the companies in question are a group of cowboys.

    I am unsure whether to offer them a payment plan detailing my incomings and outgoings and what I can afford to pay them.

    I admit I shouldnt of been so stupid with my finances but was not thinking clearly at the time due to the personal problems I was facing. Any advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


    Many Thanks in advance.


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