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Posts posted by Scribblar

  1. My work gave me light loads as a temporary measure. Occ Health agreed that as a temporary measure light loads would be suitable, but that I would need re-trained so I wasn't constantly lifting. My work agreed, but the training never came.


    I pursued it, receiving excuses that ranged from "we only have 1 trainer" (my particular depot has over 800 workers, there is no way that 5 shifts are covered by one trainer) "it's his day off" to "we're too busy, next week," to "there is no room on your shift for job rotation."


    I asked to change shift, was denied this for months. Eventually cancelled the change and applied again, this time stating childcare reasons. I was changed within a week to a shift with much more job rotation.


    They kept me on the same job.


    I have 3 young kids, I couldn't afford to go on the sick. i kept asking for retraining. They kept telling me they were doing their best, I needed to be patient, it was coming, it was in the pipeline.


    A team leader told me the line manager said I wasn't to get training as I wasn't meeting totals. I spoke to the line manager and he said he had checked my occ health and it didn't say I wasn't to pick totals. I spoke to occ health. They said that they hadn't wrote that as it "was so obvious they'd figured anyone could work it out." It was put in my occ health report that I had trouble communicating with my line manager. After my team leaders seen it (I had to take a copy of my report to the team leader myself. It was emailed to the line manager but he never bothered to pass it on to the people who actually decided what work I was doing.) I was told to take it to my manager. He read it then screamed... "I HAVE NO TROUBLE COMMUNICATING WITH YOU. I'M COMMUNICATING RIGHT NOW."


    He didn't seem to understand it was saying I have trouble, not him. He also didn't seem to understand that screaming in my face wasn't communicating. I had various other problems with this line manager. I complained to his manager. They suggested an informal meeting rather than a grievance. He denied everything, making me out to be a paranoid liar. They backed him up completely. At no point was I made aware of who my area manager was or what to do with a complaint against the operations manager of my warehouse. I didn't know my rights, but I wanted to keep my job, so I dropped it.


    The line manager also stated that he had never denied me training, that training was coming, that the team leader's were acting in his name without his knowledge and he would deal with them.


    My heaviest weight (to lift) was 12.5kg. I was on light duties. But 1700 12.5kg boxes is still 21250 kg, or 21 tonnes a day. Added to this, you might get 60 12.5 kg boxes on a single pallet. That's 750kg, which I would have to drag over 100 feet on a pallet truck. (okay, so it got lighter as we went further, but still).


    The work could have trained me on a ppt, so that I didn't need to use a pallet truck. That way I would have been lifting, but not dragging. No other lifting devices were available, but there are plenty of non-lifting jobs in my department, things like goods-in.


    If I'd needed a £900 chair, they could have afforded it easily. They are one of the biggest employers in the UK, with a massive turnover, and every year every employer in my depot gets a bonus of over £400. It was mostly this one line manager who my work have admitted to having problems with. He has an attitude that all sick/disabled people are fakers.


    I know you are not saying it's my fault or whatever, but I'm not just claiming for claiming.

  2. First thing this morning I went to see a lawyer. I have an appointment for 1st Feb. I then went to see CAB and discussed potential grievances with them. I then had a meeting with Remploy, a govt. agency that helps disabled people get into work/training and things.


    CAB and Remploy both think I may have a case, but I need to see my lawyer.


    I then had a meeting with my work. I recorded this meeting on my mobile (I read this idea on here). Good job I did because they did not provide me with a copy of notes, or any of the other things I asked for; copy of contract, employee's handbook, or the minutes for a meeting I'd had with a line manager (where I'm certain we discussed training).


    The photocopier is broken. They wanted to post them to me. As I have still not received a copy of the notes they posted last week, I said I would come in osn Monday to pick them up. (I start the cleaning job on Monday).


    They didn't ask me to sign as they only do so when the person who is leaving agrees leaving would be for the best.


    I then had a meeting with CAB, and they drafted an appeal. They said asking for a meeting to discuss with my employers is the first step to launching a grievance.


    I am planning to apply for legal aid.

  3. Aah, no, I won't be able to take it away. I was offered a job through my employer with the cleaning company. Today I was told the job had been offered to someone else. I asked if the someone else had been offered a 40 hour job as I was made aware that there was two 20 hour jobs. They didn't know.


    I then asked how this job could have been offered to someone else when it was already offered to me. They said they had no control over this company's recruitment policies, though they appreciated I should have been made aware of any deadline.


    We recessed, and I spoke to some cleaners who told me they had not seen/heard of anyone being interviewed for this position. We reconvened, and I was offered the position starting on Monday. It was implied if I didn't accept/tried to postpone this position would no longer be available.


    My rep thinks they are calling my bluff.


    So screw them. The way they said certain things (in the notes my employment potentially starts on Monday, not signing could have a negative impact on future employers) makes it look like I won't get the job if I don't sign the notes.


    I've been looking over other threads here. So many people are being screwed over. I notice it is often by small businesses. But I work for one of the biggest employers in the UK, and they are massive internationally as well; I expected better treatment from them.


    I must be naive.

  4. "It just looks better for future employers if you do sign it."

    Why? Are they going to send out copies with references.:rolleyes:


    Thanks, I needed that laugh. :razz:


    Okay, do you guys think I might have a legal case against them for making my wrist worse. Here's a summary of my notes:



    • Nov 07, rtw after sick leave, ancillary duties, no lifting
    • Jan 08, OHN recommends extending duties to 4 HOURS of lifting
    • Jan 08 (2nd meeting) OHN notes lifting has been extended to approx 5 hrs, resulting in pain, discomfort.
    • March 08, OHN notes should be re-trained as rotation essential
    • April 08, wrist gaining in strength, possible sign-off in 4 weeks
    • May 08, previous recommendations not followed, progress hindered
    • June 08, OHN notes must be rotated between heavy/light loads
    • June 08 (2nd meeting) OHN notes struggled with heavy loads, no rotation at all
    • Oct 08, OHN notes retraining would be helpful
    • Dec 08, OHN notes problems re: training
    • Dec 08 (2nd meeting), OHN notes I'm having difficulty communicating with manager re: retraining
    • Feb 09, OHN notes still not been re-trained
    • April 09, OHD notes DDA probably applies
    • May 09, OHN notes still on light duties
    • June 09, OHN would support possible shift change as more job rotation on early
    • Oct 09, OHN notes plans to retrain me in other duties
    • Nov 09, specialist recommends job unsuitable.

    If they had retrained me 2 years ago I might not be at the stage I'm at now.

  5. I've had a long, drawn out and horrible day, and my managers were getting quite bitchy towards the end of it. I got copies of my notes, I will post again after reading them over.


    I have a meeting tomorrow, they are terminating my contract.


    I have 7 days to appeal.


    The money they are offering is pay in lieu of notice.


    The thing they want me to sign, in my manager's words: "It's just a letter, just saying we think the best thing is for you to leave your employment and that you agree. You don't have to sign it, but if you don't we WILL terminate your contract anyway. It just looks better for future employers if you do sign it."


    They said they spoke to the cleaner's company and I can definitely start on Monday. In my notes they wrote "potentially starting on Monday" because if they said I definitely had the job it would show favouritism. But my rep thinks it seems like a veiled threat, sign it or else.


    Also, at one point she wasn't taking notes, and I said to her about it, and she got very bitchy with me.

    Anyway, I will read my notes and post more later.

  6. Okay, lot of info here.


    First, I made a mistake earlier when I wrote 98 and 99. It was 08 and 09.


    Second, my notes haven't arrived yet. I will give BofD and assume they are in post.


    Third, machinery. 2 guys currently do this job. b/s and e/s, 5 days a week. As I am p/t I could work 3 or 4 of these shifts. OHNurse comes in every Monday (we have a lot of sickies, yet work will not admit job is too hard/heavy. had time and motion in and put the totals up). I don't know if they spoke to her, but they have had 2 Mondays to do so since last meeting and they could have phoned her, too.


    I suggested this job before Christmas, but got nowhere. My rep has now suggested it (I suggested it to him) and they are considering it.


    Fourth, office job. They are not happy because they don't think I will be able to type. I have never seen someone in the chill office typing. Ever.


    Fifth, the forms. I have no idea what these forms are, I have never been told. They have not been discussed in the meetings (so are not on the notes). I was told "you need to come in and sign these forms so we can process everything, and terminate your contract. If you were just quitting it would be a lot easier but because of the way it is we need to be careful of the law" or something like that. The same with the three weeks pay.


    What is a compromise agreement? If I sign a gagging order can I not go to a tribunal? If they give me forms do I have the right to ask to postpone the meeting so I can take the forms to a lawyer and have him make sure everything is hunky dory?


    Why are you asking about insurance? I have life and house cover.

  7. Hi. I'm new to these forums. I'm about to be dismissed from work (probably) and have a meeting today.


    I have worked for the warehouse side of a major international supermarket chain for 3 years, and 8 months (continuous service) and 4 years total service.


    Over 2 years ago i developed a sore wrist. I was off for five weeks, then brought back to work on light duties. I still found light duties to be very painful and heavy.


    Since then I have seen several doctors, physios, Occ Health nurses, Occ health doctors and specialist consultants. In 1998 I was x-rayed, in 1999 I had an MRI.


    Throughout those two years the Occ Health repeated said "no lifting, light lifting, train him in other duties." I never received any other training.


    I had my MRI in August and was told I couldn't lift again and I couldn't continue to work there. Since then I have continued in the same role until they sort things out. This was agreed in meetings and I had to sign the minutes (so nothing could be added) so essentially signed I was happy to do that. There are other roles with less lifting in the warehouse but I wasn't given these.


    The lifting (over the passed two years) has exacerbated the condition. It could be argued that the condition is an underlying one which would never have surfaced if the work wasn't so heavy and the targets so high.


    Anyway, they offered to sever my contract but said that a cleaning company that is on contract would offer me 40 hours a week. I spoke to the cleaning company and they offered me 20.


    My work has also said (unofficially) that I will receive a week's earnings for every year I have worked there, so three weeks. Plus my holiday entitlement (which won't be much as I'm having to use it all now as the work is still too much).


    I had a meeting on Monday. It was the first time I had taken a rep up. It was supposed to be my last day, I was supposed to sign forms terminating my contract and agreeing to their severance pay. But my rep and I found out that, despite them saying "We will look into all vacancies," there were a number of vacancies they hadn't looked into.


    So they are looking into these now. I have a meeting today when they will let me know if they consider these vacancies to be suitable. One is driving machinery, and despite my only diagnosed limitation being in lifting, one of the manager's has said he doesn't know if I'll be able to drive.


    I haven't kept copies of my notes (because I'm an idiot, probably) so I am handing a letter in today asking for an additional copy of everything in my file.


    If I sign something, does that mean I lose my right to a tribunal? If I'm offered another position, can I sue them (for keeping me lifting when I was in pain and for not giving me the retraining OccHealth said I required)? Am I really only entitled to 3 weeks pay?


    Oh, and the OccHealth told my work the DDA probably applies, and my doctor told me it applies.


    Thanks for any help.

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