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Posts posted by georgie21

  1. So my ex-fiance and I seperated about a year ago, following a somewhat unexpected demise of a four year relationship. I kept the engagement ring, but have decided that, coinciding with the beginning of a new year/new apartment AND new boyfriend, it is time to break free from the keepsakes of the relationship and move on. Does anybody have any ideas on how to sell gold jewellery online? I saw this place online, but I'm not sure if I will get much of a return on the ring? (Edit) I am ready to be rid of this reminder of unhappy times! Thanks for your help! icon_surprised.gif


  2. I thought we could share a little humour to brighten up the afternoon! :)


    I went to a casino last night and was stood next to a guy playing Blackjack who kept having win after win after win.

    I couldn't believe his luck, then saw he was stood on what looked like a bit of bread.

    I asked him, "Mate, what's that under your shoe?"

    He said. "Shhh! I'm on a roll."



    http:// http://www.postalgold.info/

  3. Will the next few months see the demise of one certain GB (as in Gordon Brown, not Great Britain....though one has the ability to destroy the other)? I think his career has long since shrivelled into a shrill mess of media slagging, minute popularity polls and weak attempts to gain the respect of the public. Is it true that the prime minister, in the interest of economy, chose to sell gold reserves (400 tonnes of the stuff!) 11 years ago resulting in a possible loss of 2 billion pounds? Out with the old, and in with the new! Right now is a golden time for change.

  4. Infomercials. I was trying to unwind after a rather stressful and busy morning at university by putting my feet up and watching TV, only to be persistently confronted with several infomercials about oversized apple peelers, fatburning miracle tablets, cash for gold gimmicks and tummy-flatteners. If I wanted to go shopping, I'd have hit the mall. GGGRRR.


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