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Posts posted by Steve2333

  1. Hi guys,


    I hope I've posted this in an appropriate place, and I hope you can help.


    Long story short, I sold quite a large item on ebay, a couple of months ago, which, as part of their fees for using them, meant I owed them £56.


    I lost my dad around this time, and as anyone who knows when they lose a close loved one, it was bedlam for for a while. I went away as things were calming down and just had to get away from it.


    Upon my return, I came back to a dozen emails from ebay saying my account was well overdue. I immediately paid it, and bought it back into line.


    Since then, I've started getting chased by Iqor. I've not yet had a conversation with them, everytime I see their number, I send a busy tone, but I've heard some horrendous things about them, and in the event they do things properly and actually write to me, I'd like to be ready for them.


    I've heard of in such instances, Iqor want to charge a fee on top of what the actual debt is. Is this legal? As I mention, the debt is now cleared, yet Iqor are chasing me. I can only assume its for their cut, because I no longer owe ebay, or anyone else for that matter, anything.


    What would be the best way to play this when they next attempt contact?


    Many thanks for any help or advice.


    Best regards,



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