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Posts posted by IHaveNoOriginalName

  1. The grant is paid for by the energy providers (Scottish Power, British Gas etc). The Government are forcing them to pay for this as far too much money is being spent, and wasted, on energy each year. Now, every homeowner in the UK qualifies for the grant, it's the house which may not. The 'norm' goes like this, if you over 70 and/or claiming benefits (and are the homeowner) you get it for free (wall cavities and loft, both of which come with a 25 year guaruntee). If you are under 70 or you are not claiming any benefits then you get an 80% + grant for the work to be carried out by Miller Pattison. Although, in certain areas the grant is 100% regardless of circumstance (still got to be the homeowner though).

    You dont pay for anything until the work has been done AND YOU ARE SATISFIED WITH THE WORK! No bank details or deposit are taken until the work has been done either. So, all of you people who don't trust people like me, who work my fingers to the bone, trying to give people FREE home insulation, and save you 30%-40% each month on your bills, please start having a little faith and realise that not everyone in the world is out there to mug you off.


    Thanks for your time, and next time one of us knock on your door, hear us out! smile.gif

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