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Posts posted by vidavooz

  1. Anyone have any idea when there might be an outcome in High Court? I had a l/l whom did not protect my deposit until he received court papers - some 3 my months after receiving deposit. Went to court end of last year when I was still living at property - judge adjorned it, said could not give penalty as l/l had now protected deposit.


    I have now moved out - left place in excellent order - had no deposit retrned as l/l said needed extensive renovation ( i have photos/video/witnesses to prove otherwise) - back in court at end of Feb. This l/l well known for retaining deposit unfairly - if only I knew that before moving in. Hope outcome of high court before we go back to court.

  2. Hi - my landlord did not protect my deposit, I kept asking him where protected and after 3 months still no response so I issued court papers. He then protected it. Finally got to court and judge said as he had protected it after court papers issued cannot give penalty. So this rogue landlord has a licence to flout the law - he will never protect a deposit now unless court papers are served on him as he has found he can get away it. :-x


    Going to appeal but whats the point??


    Anyone else appealed?

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