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Posts posted by stgeorge2304

  1. Hi everyone

    I will try to make this as short as possible because this has been ongoing drama since January.


    Bought car from dealer ,

    went wrong after 175miles ,

    dealer refused it back as said 2 traders working from site and they have gone



    ,did money claim online to who I bought car from but no joy as apparently gone ,



    got changed by district judge to who I made actual payment to,



    have found out they have changed their company name



    the question is AM I STUFFED

    when it comes to getting my 4k back for a car that went bang?


    Same people , same directors ,same. Stock ,same premises?


    Am really stuck and



    don't know what to do because the old company is still live



    but all stock etc has prob been transferred to new company



    so no assets left to claim.

  2. hi everyone some interesting info here about capstone but just to confirm are these the people we should be concerned about on companies house?WebCHeck - Select and Access Company Information


    incase this link doesnt work there company number is 15381786 plus i hear a rumour that they are actually reducing peoples mortgages to tempt them to leave and go elswere but as i said it could be just a rumour.


    any info on this would be appreciated.





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