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Posts posted by 192CS

  1. Hi, 247orbital, if you are using a very old CO1 form and not the one I posted you will see an old premium rate number which we have not used for quite sometime now. If anyone would like their electoral roll details removing, please complete this CO1 form http://statics.192.com/downloads/C01.pdf and return it to us by either using the non premium rate number given or by email or post. Once received we will enter it for removal within 48hrs.

  2. I have tried to answer the questions raised however I can still see that there is confusion over our service. Due to the specific nature of an individual’s data and the anonymity of the forum I am unable to respond directly. I know it has been raised that a few people on the forum are concerned about contacting me directly as I would then be able to link them back to their forum identity. This is not the case, if you contact me through [email protected] I have no idea who you are and therefore would be making no such connections. So if anyone would like to contact me with any further questions or a Subject Access Request please do and I will respond accordingly.

  3. We have nothing to hide and I am sorry that you have taken my comments that way and that a geniune offer of help is being construed as insincere. If you are unhappy that your data is displayed then the removals procedure has already been highlighted in a previous post.


    Other than this I would suggest everyone checks with their local councils to ensure that they have been removed from the edited Electoral Roll. Contacts their telecoms company to make sure that they are ex directory and if you are a Director/Secretary of a company contacts Companies House as these are the sources of our data.

  4. Hi Kurvaface,

    To access ER data, Directors etc a user has to pay to do so. We perform detailed checks to make sure the people purchasing are not fraudulent including manual checks. Each search is logged and kept and our Terms and Conditions state that these logs may be made available to law enforcement agencies. So anyone who is using 192.com for criminal purposes is leaving a detailed audit trail. If they were to go to their local council office/library to view these records there wouldn’t be any sort of trail.

    I am wanting to help you all on the forum understand where our data comes from and why we are able to display it but I fear that no matter how many assurances I give or detailed explanations I provide you are not willing to help me help you. We do not sell your data on to any parties in the way that has been discussed on this forum and we do not display any information that isn’t already available in the public domain. Our working relationship with the ICO ensures that we do all that we can to provide a service in an environment that is acceptable and helpful to the majority. I have asked people to contact me directly so that I can enter into more detailed conversations with them ‘off forum’ however if people do not wish to do this there is little more that I can offer that I haven't already discussed.

  5. Hi Hungrybear,

    I do feel like a can of worms has been mistakenly opened here on the forum today but at the same time I am trying to make clear what data we hold and where it comes from and why we are able to publish it as we do. I am hiding behind no walls and am trying to be as transparent as I can. I understand peoples worries where their personal data is concerned, however unless people contact me directly as I first asked it is difficult for me to give a blanket answer that will please or be relevant to all parties.

  6. Hi,


    The information we display on www.192.com will have been provided from either the Electoral Roll (local councils), OSIS database(telecoms companies), Company or Director information(Companies House). If you wish to know what we have pertaining to yourself. Please send us an email requesting a Data Subject Request and we will contact you further as we will need to get further information from you to ensure we pass onto you all the relevant data.


    We do keep search logs, if you feel that your details may have been searched please again get in touch and we will be able to assist you/police wherever we can.

  7. I am sorry to read that there seems to be some confusion over the data we hold on www.192.com. The site is used by millions of people to find friends and relatives, check addresses and to obtain telephone numbers, where available. We take privacy very seriously and publish data in accordance with all the ICO and Data Protection guidelines.


    The data we publish is already publicly available from a variety of sources however, we have always provided an Electoral Roll record removal form (since 1997) which anyone can download and fax or post back to us. Please complete the following form and return it to us: http://statics.192.com/downloads/C01.pdf Once returned we aim to remove Electoral Roll records within 48hrs.


    Telephone numbers are sourced from the OSIS database. This is the database where all telecom providers have to list their numbers and we receive a daily update directly from the source (we do not display ex directory numbers). If you wish to be ex directory or to check your current listing please contact your telecoms provider.


    If you find your name and occupation on 192.com, you are most likely looking at a Directors record. This is sourced from Companies House and is provided if you are a Director or Company Secretary. With any enquiry regarding Director/Secretary details you need to contact Companies House.

    As the Customer Services Manager at 192.com if anyone on this forum has any specific concerns please do contact me (Zoe) via [email protected] and I will deal with your questions personally.

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