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Posts posted by ydaniel

  1. Hey guys,


    I am having the same trouble here. My bank canceled my DD by mistake (lucky sign maybe) then of course funds did not reach them on time. Sent PTP an email and of course got the response, we only deal with this by phone.


    how predictable. I rang them this morning just to make as if....i knew what their response was going to be.


    Talked to someone called Mark. He was quite aggressive, i mentioned straight away that there was no need for my account to be passed onto one of their in house account manager and that my account should be fowarded to Clarity straight away....I think he got a bit shocked to find out I knew about their procdedure...he said ok i will make a note...


    Then drafted a long letter with a the legal info, do not contact me by phone etc, plus OFT and ombudsman and sent via email plus their crap website. Got a response again, please contact us... resent it 3 times with new mention "do not ignore".....haven't heard anything yet but this forum has prepared me to deal with this.


    Am in for a fight but I have the feeling they won't bother much...hoping to get at least a couple of phone calls. I will not respond to their security questions so there we go....


    I initially wanted to pay the sum due but they levied that £69 charge.. have put my account in dispute and awaiting for a letter from clarity...


    And Roll on gavin and jerry Mcwhatever...I can't wait to have to deal with you!!!


    Any update from anyone by the way??



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