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Posts posted by prideuk

  1. Hello Forum Members,


    I was looking for some advice, I was made bankrupt Last June In Scotland. Was not nice to do but had no choice. Thats a long story., Even though I was made bankrupt, I was allowed to continue to run my small shop as this was my only employment. Self employed..

    As I had a joint account with business partner it did not effect the account, we have always used a personal account for all our business, as having a business account cost so much.. Me and my partner are now splitting up, Im going to continue to run the business, but.. and here it is.. The Bank has called today to tell us that rbs will be changing to Santandar ex abbey. by the end of the year. When i was made bankrupt Abbey was one of the companies that I in debt to. So I now need to find another bank that will help me continue to run my business. I will be discharged from my bankruptcy in June of this year. Does anyone know where I should go from here or where to start.


    Thanks for you help, as I know you have assisted me before. feel like Im never gonna get out of this mess, that I know i made.



  2. Thank you, i've been up since 6am, worrying.. thanks for he lift. I dont have much in my life, but what I have i didnt want to lose.. I dont drink, dont go out, dont go on holidays... not much of a life eh!! Sometimes it just makes you want to give up. I cant help whats gone on in the passed. Im under the hospital for psoriorsis which is caused by stress... Which was getting a little better... but guess what? Just a few days of worry has brought all of it back. Sometimes i feel its just a waste or maybe i deserve all of it. Its really ahrd writing this with a tear on yur eye. Maybe one day it will all be gone.. sorry to go on but never seems to get any beter.


  3. Hi, thanks for the advice, the car is on a type of finance that means 2yrs time I can pay the remaining and the cars mine or I can give it back and owe nothing or i cantake out another car and start again I pay 182 a month and its value is around 5000 pounds. but its not mine to give away to the people who want the cash...Its the standing infront of the judge thing that I couldn't cope with.



  4. Hi, Thanks for you advice in advance. I signed the trust deed on 20th April and 20th may & 20th June they took 100 pounds from my account by standing order. Its been in the paper edinbough gazette. When I called them yesterday they said that more than 1 3rd of my creditors had refused the trust deed offer and therefore it has been rejected.. They then told me that I had now to go for sequestration and thay would send the forms. there told me all this would mean is that I would be free from responsibility of the creditors in 1 yr instead of the full 3yrs that the trust deed would run... I do have money to offer them but its ot enough.. after I had done my budget sheet I had 136 left for all my creditors but the trust deed said that I would only have to pay 100. oh I dont really know where im going with this anymore.. Maybe I should just go back to them all and make another offer. its so hard. but i can say that Mums are good at cheering you up... but she doesnt really understand that things are not like when she had credit problems yrs back..


    Cheers anyway



  5. Well I was right, when I said too good to be ture. I have just had a phone call from one of my detors. saying that i had not made any payments and would be seeking futher action against me. I let them know that I had entered into a trust deed and they told me that that had been rejected and the phone calls will continue until payment in full was made on the account. I then had to call my advisor who told me that the trust deed had been rejected by 1/3 of the creditors and the only option would be to go for sequestration. does anyone know what this would mean to me. Remembering that I have nothing. I dont own a house I rent, the car is on HP, and thats all I have. Im self employed running a shop. the advisor said that if i did go for sequestration all i need to do is fill in a few forms and they would dal with it all... is this right I have been reading something on the internet that I would have to stand infront of a judge!! is that right... Im so afraid, when I was told that it had been rejected I felt all the blood drain again almost like I was when I first started. Im now dredding all the calls and threts that you get when you owe money... Now i dont know where to turn.. Please could you give me some advise that may give me a lift... cos right now i need some. I was smiling for a while but thats all stopped now. Thanks again



  6. OMG, don't know whats going on anymore, I thought I was going to be ok, but all is not what it seems. I have had some nasty letters today, telling me that someone is going to call at my home unless I call. As I am still trying to sort out the trust deed, I thought I would call and let them know that I was entering into a trust deed. Only to be told that the Money matters had sent them a letter saying that they were no longer dealing with me and I was no longer a client of theirs. How can this be. no one has told me. I have been waiting for Money matters to contact me. they did say at the start that once they have all the figures they would pass it on to a insolvance agent who would deal with the trust deed as money matters only collate all the information for them. Is that what they mean by no longer dealing with me. Its saturday and Money matters does not work today so can't ge any answers. Im very worried and could feel a great cloud coming over me again. It really drained me when i heard this. don't know what to do amymore. So im still getting the letters and calls, sometimes 11 a day. I cant pay what I dont have. I still see no light at the end of the tunnel, where as a few weeks ago i saw a glimmer. So much for that. These people are going to drive me to my grave, it seems everything has gone into a blur and i can't cope, will they ever l;eave me alone. I know i owe, but earn 8160 a year working for myself Thats all i get. I can just about pay the stuff that I have to, rent, council tax elec, gas etc. Whats sould I do?


  7. Hi Guys, Just thought i'd say hello, and let you know whats going on, I took the advice and got intouch with Debtline, and followed their advice by as you said doing a budget sheet etc and guess what I do have some funds left for my debts, not a lot. but some. so I did as they said and sent my letters asking all my debts to accept lower monthy payments on a prorota basis.. Guess what? They all have so far said No!!! and now the phone constanly rings. I did take control by stopping them all just taking money from my bank making me even futher in debt.. Now I just pay what I said I could pay... some of them will not even give their bank details so I can pay online, their all still want DD, but i said No to them for that. What most of them are saying is that they will not deal with me, even though its my debt. But they will deal with a third party re my debts. This is because they dont believe my budget sheet. Well thats up to them as I have been told that I dont have prove anything. If that all I have then thats it. and no court in the land would make me pay anymore than I can afford. and I have told them that. but they just keep phoning sometimes at 7am four or five times a day.. So today I said enough is enough, as I am now in control and feeling a lot stronger, thanks to you on here. I have contacted money advice and I am going to see them in the next few days with all my paperwork, budget sheets etc. They said that they will deal with all my debts and that my debts will have to deal with them instead of calling me all the time.. We are not going into being managed, just asking them to accept what I can pay. as they say you can't get blood out of a stone, and I have been honest When I say I have 135 per month between the lot of them, thats all I have..

    Anyway sorry to rant, but thats all I have had recently from my debts.. Dont get me worng I know I owe the money or do I, we may go down that route another day.

    After I have been to see money advice I let you have an update.. needless to say I dont feel depressed anylonger much stronger infact, somes they can be fun when you tell them that you are recording there calls, funny how they change or put the phone down..


    Thanks for all your advice



  8. Hi everyone, I can hear what your all saying with such great support. Its so complicated. I wish it was easy as you say. Complications being I run a small business (shop) that just makes enough to pay me about 800 pounds a month, Up until now I have been paying all my debts with money I made when I moved to scotland. Over the passed 3 yrs the shop and mostly the debts have taken it all. the shop runs on a overdraft, which it needs to continue running, It never gets any bigger, just use one week pay back the next.. thats the problem. If I lose the overdraft then the shop would go and so would the job. although the overdraft is with a bank that knows nothing about my situation.

    I have taken the bull by the horns!! as this can't go on. To stop it getting any worst, I have stopped the DD's coming from my bank. I have done the budget sheet, but as I have not had much for so long, I dont know how much to put down for various items like housekeeping. For the last year or so I have not been out,(just paying debts) I have not been shopping for months, as I run a shop, i would normally grab something from there. because my debts have been taking all of my money. I pay into the bank and never see any of it. last month I couldn't even pay for razors and i earn a wage! Its hard writting all this, it really brings it home. Im so sad. But I'll deal with it. I am going to send them all letters on monday (recorded) and we'll see what happens then. Im sorry to go on, but, well you all know i suppose. right im going to write those letters. thanks again for all your support & advice



  9. Hi, Thanks for the advice.

    I have already opened another account, it's what they call a key account, thats all I could get. Its the type of account that you can't go over drawn in. What is a "OH" don't think i have got one. I do have another question Should I stop all my current Direct Debits to my debts as if I don't they will all start again in next month trying to take monies that just arn't there making me even more in debt than I already am. I have done my budget sheet and all I have left for my debts between them is 205.40 per month. So where I was paying 260 to one of them I accourding to my budget sheet will only be able to pay 64.10 a month. This is so hard up until now I have never missed any of them. Some of them I have been paying for 6ys and have noticed that where the debt was 5400 after 6yrs of paying I still owe them 5100. I got some help from my mother last night, she let me have one of her sleeping tablets to help me get a good nights sleep but yet again this morning the first thing on my mind is my debts. it seems evey second thought is my debts and how im going to cope. Christmas is not going to be christmas anymore, well to be honest it hasn't been for agaes. Im just walking around in a daze wondering what im going to do next. Thanks for your advice again, I did get a little lift yesterday but thats seems to have passed. John

  10. Im being swallowed up by debt, don't realy know where to start. I owe 34000 to various Credit Cards and 2 Personal loans, one of which was to clear some of my cards which I did. I have always managed to pay them all the min payment, but now self employed and only earn 800 pounds a month. Thats working full time. I missed one payment last month and have started to get phone calls from them, telling me that i am in default and they want their money back right away, i owe 10800 to them. I was not over my limit, but now they say I am as they have put intrest on and taken it over the limit.. the bank has started to charge me 70 last month for going over my overdraft, and now no money for anyone. I just feel so low and depressed I dont know where to turn. I dont live anymore I just exist. My family say I dont smile anymore and i guess they are right. Nothing to smile for... I just dont know where to start. I would be greatful for any advice I have been up all night, can't sleep as all the debt is just going round in my mind, Knowing what is coming. I dont know anymore.

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