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Posts posted by stuntman2

  1. CrappoMan - Glad you pointed that out, up to the bill for £176.63 (5th August 2015) the meter readings are shown as 1412 with £0.00 due. The bill dated 5th August 2015 shows an estimated reading of 1413. Future bills show an estimated reading of 1413 until the bill dated 11th March 2016 where the actual reading is 1412. I have since taken photograph evidence of the meter reading 1412 (last changed 1995).


    Honest mistake I suppose.

  2. i have never taken any gas (meter reads same as 12 years ago and pipes terminate in external cabinet in wall), or signed a contract. the only time i ever contacted british gas was when i received the bill in 2015. So can i assume that i have a solid case or is there still an element of doubt as to the interpretation of the gas act.


    ps big thank you to everyone for their help.

  3. As there's been no consumption and there's no contract in place, the standing charges are un-enforcable.


    A deemed contract only comes in to force from the point at which you take supply. This is covered in the Utilities Act and Gas Act (can't remember the exact bit and not feeling well, but pointing this basic bit out should be enough)


    can someone point me to the exact wording please

  4. Problem with British gas. Thinking of sending this letter to BG any thoughts / advice appreciated


    I have owned this property for approximately 12 years and it has never been habitable for this time.

    I received bills from Npower for £0 for electric and British Gas for £0 for gas. Because these bills were for £0 I used to simply throw them away. The bills were always addressed to 'The Occupier'


    My problem is with British Gas.

    The meter is situated in an outside cabinet, I have no gas appliances and no gas piping, the gas pipes terminate in the meter cabinet.


    I received a bill from BG on the 31st August 2013 which showed that the actual meter reading was 1412 (same as 10 years ago) and that no gas was used and the bill came to zero (no standing charges ).


    The next bill I got was dated the 5th August 2015 Which was an estimated reading of 1413 with a total to pay of £176.63.


    I immediately phoned BG and explained the situation and was clearly told that I should change my supplier to one that didn't have a standing charge and that this bill would be cancelled as I had never had a contract with BG.


    I did this immediately but then got a letter from BG to say that they had blocked the transfer as I owed them the £176.63.


    I again phoned BG and spoke with a lady who was extremely rude and told me in no uncertain terms that I was responsible for the bill and should honor my commitments, not being happy with this I asked to be transferred to a supervisor, no supervisor was available but I was assured that a supervisor would ring me back. (I am still awaiting that phone call).


    Since that time I have


    Had standing charges added to my account

    Had extra charges added to my account for a debt visit (£36.00) and an administration charge (£13.00)

    Been notified that a legal warrant of entry had been obtained and a visit was to be made on the 25th April 2016 to fit a prepayment meter. - No visit was made

    Been notified that a legal warrant of entry had been obtained and a visit was to be made on the 30th June 2016 to fit a prepayment meter. - No visit was made

    Threatened again that a legal warrant of entry will be obtained to fit a prepayment meter


    Questions that I have of BG


    From the last 10 years bills (2004 to 2013) you should have known that no gas was ever used why didn't you inform 'The Occupier' that you were going to introduce a standing charge.

    Why do you persist in wanting to fit a prepayment meter when no gas is consumed.

    Why haven't you looked at my notes and made that phone call that you promised.

    Why have you blocked my transfer (you could still have pursued me for the debt) instead heaping as much pressure as possible.

    Why have you escalated the debt from £176.63 (4th August 2015) to £304.25 (8th June 2016)

  5. Having studied other cases it would seem that the best course of action is to put the case into official dispute (if I can do this) this would stop the DCA having any further involvement and force Great Universal Stores to act in a reasonable way to resolve the matter.

    Is there a template I can use? I have looked but can't find one.

    Really want to use the CCA route as a last resort since a negative credit listing would follow.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  6. I am advising my sister (who was an agent for Great Universal) with regards to a debt by a customer of great universal.

    Despite several letters to them and then to various DCA I am having absolutely no luck in making anyone see sense.


    My sister acted as an agent for great universal for more than 10 years without any issues untill a customer defaulted, the customer in question had an account since Feb 2002 and was made redundant and stopped payments in march 2004.


    My sister continued paying for her goods making it clear each month that the payments were for her goods until her goods were finally paid for, this left a balance of approx 1400.00.


    Despite several letters of explanation the matter was passed to debt collectors who have continued to hound her ever since.


    The last letter she received was in september of 2007 but now they have started again.


    Can anyone give me advice on how I can resolve this and also opinions on whether she is liable would be appreciated.


    Thanks in advance

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