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Posts posted by pink_stefy

  1. It's pretty simple really, don't break the rules and there aren't any penalty charges.


    What is it with you people ?



    I haven't broken the rules and im sure all the people here haven't broken the rules...


    I worked very hard (40-60 hours a week) in a damn hard job and have never claimed a penny in benefits...and because i got made redundant through no fault of my own some bloody faceless pen pusher who has probably never had to spend time away from their family to put food on the table and clothes on their back can take all that hard earner cash from me!!!

    Comments like that are just plain rude!! :mad:

  2. So what will happen now? Can we still try and get some money back? Does it count for financial hardship? Or am i just banging my head against a brick wall?


    I feel like sending a mask and stripy jumper to the supreme court judges and the 7 banks and building society involved because that's all it amounts to...daylight robbery!!


    I am absolutely gutted......and i still cant pay the charges they ask for...:(

  3. Thanks so so much for the advice as I'm only 23 all this a little daunting but my letter along with my £10 has been sent off....

    I just wish the banks would realise what they do to people when they pull stunts like this...

    I've suffered many a sleepless night due to HSBC and the fact that they make money off other peoples misery, its just plain wrong!!!...

    They would do well to learn the phrase


    "There but for the grace of God go I"


    but sadly i don't think they will ever learn....

    But much love and thanks for the help...x x x

  4. Hi,

    I bank with HSBC and I am not sure if i can re-claim my bank charges.


    I lost my job back in March and have had no money going in or out of my bank account and my partner (we're not married) is currently paying for everything (i don't receive benefits either) so i think i come under financial hardship (im not altogether sure).


    Anyway i took a loan out with the money shop and of course there was no money in my account so the cheques bounced so i had to pay the full maount and a £25 charge per cheque to the money shop which was £75 plus the orginal loan amount.


    I also recieved a £25 charge per cheque from HSBC which was another £75 which pushed me into my overdraft which resulted in another £25 charge for being overdrawn so i was £100 overdrawn just because of bank charges made by HSBC.


    Then due to being overdrawn and no money in my account 2 direct debits bounced (£30 charge) before i had a chance to cancel them (which i have now done) resulting in being £160 overdrawn and add the interest onto that i am now £167.37 overdrawn which is all bank charges made by HSBC.


    I cant pay it as i don't have a job and i receive up to 6 calls a day from them plus a final demand saying that if i don't pay then they will pass it onto debt collectors and it will be on my record for 6 years. I sent an email complaining about the service i received and have received a letter back saying they have investigated and say that all charges are correct and they offer no refund...Do I phone them and apply for financial difficulty and fight the bank charges or are they right in what they say?


    Really need help because i don't know what do do

    Any help in how to take the next step would be really appreciated

  5. Hi, I bank with HSBC and I am not sure if i can re-claim my bank charges. I lost my job back in March and have had no money going in or out of my bank account and my partner (we're not married) is currently paying for everything (i don't receive benefits either) so i think i come under financial hardship (im not altogether sure). Anyway i took a loan out with the money shop and of course there was no money in my account so the cheques bounced so i had to pay and a £25 charge per cheque to the money shop which was £75 plus the orginal loan amount. I also recieved a £25 charge per cheque form HSBC which was another £75 which pushed me into my overdraft which resulted in another £25 charge for being overdrawn so i was £100 overdrawn just because of bank charges made by HSBC. Then due to being overdrawn and no money in my account 2 direct debits bounced before i had a chance to cancel them (which i have now done) resulting in being £160 overdrawn and add the interest onto that i am now £167.37 overdrawn which is all bank charges made by HSBC. I cant pay it as i don't have a job and i receive up to 6 calls a day from them plus a final demand saying that if i don't pay then they will pass it onto debt collectors and it will be on my record for 6 years. I sent an email complaining about the service i received and have received a letter back saying they have investigated and say that all charges are correct and they offer no refund...Do I phone them and apply for financial difficulty and fight the bank charges or are they right in what they say? Really need help because i don't know what do do

    Any help in how to take the next step would be really appreciated

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