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Posts posted by raa

  1. I would be willing to collate everyones letters and complaints and send it all to HMRC complaints and my MP who is actually quite good and also get him to send it to the Parliamentry Ombudsman. If you all send your letters/experiences/complaints via email to me I would be happy to do this. What do you all think? We would need as many as we can get so would need to get the word out their. Email me at [email protected].

  2. HMRC are making me bankrupt after there mistake. I asked for their help in filling in my tax return after my first year and had made a considerable loss, I was told where to put this and that I could claim it back. subsequently they paid a large sum into my bank even after i challenged them on the phone, I used the monies in my businesses to pay bills etc, after 2 years of trying to sort it out and offering payment plans and having sent a payment that was returned they are making me bankrupt, I am starting to wonder whether I should just give up and sign on so I get to have a nice life instead of working 15 hours a day 7 days a week and treated like a criminal by HMRC. Has anyone else been thru this?? any ideas??

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