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Posts posted by denn12denn12

  1. I took out a loan with EGG for £8000 in March 2000. I had problems keeping up the payments and had to sell my house and today I live in rented accomodaton. CAPQUEST bought debt and have been phoning me 3 times each day including weekends until about 1 week ago. Now they have sent a claim for £14.000 with interest and also a default notice ( this appears to be typed by them ). This debt is now 10 years old. Can they claim any part of this?

  2. The Leeds Losers are well known on here for their imaginary payments on Stat Barred debts. They tried it on with me. Problem was I was supposed to have made the payment at a bank on a Sunday when I was 5000 miles away.


    As for these so called attempted payments, they dont count. You either have to pay the money or make a WRITTEN acknowledgement of the debt.


    Personally I wouldnt even bother responding to their nonsense. You have told them the alleged debt is Statute Barred. They have to PROVE otherwise.


    They recently issued proceedings against me.. the curts threw it out as they could nopt provide a copy of the signed agreement.



  3. Lowell are chasing me for a debt I believe to be over the six year statute of limitations period. I sent them the Stat Barred letter and now they have come back to me saying a payment was made on the account four and a half years ago. They haven't supplied any evidence to support this, just an amount and a date the payment was made. Should I ask them for proof of this payment?


    In their latest letter they are quoting "section 29 (7) of the limitation act 1980"



    for information, they themselves have recently had CCJs filed against them.

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