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Lamb Chop

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Posts posted by Lamb Chop

  1. Leanne21,

    If you are happy with the situation you have with your credit card company and the repayments and the same can be said for them, then do nothing with the West Midlands Debt Collection. If you have made contact with them, I would suggest having the number barred on your land line. They stop calling after a while if you threaten them with BT investigation dept etc (I am lead to believe). This is threatening behaviour, therefore you must involve relevant Ombudsman and Trades protection organisations - seek free advice from Citizens Advice online. Keep a diary of events and all postal correspondence. Never admit anything, including your name or details with WMDC. They are acquiring this information from many salubrious and questionable sources. Use the letter of authentication from Clarity as a support with Citizen Advice and other governing authorities.

    Good luck

  2. Silent Bob,


    Please assure your partner (or get him to read this), that these companies are a crooked as the day is long.


    1. have they got the arrangement of your address correct as you and your bank etc would have it? In my experience, they never get it right. Does this sound like a company governed and represented by FSA etc?

    2. They always ask their 'victims' for smaller amounts, with me it was £132.72, big enough to hurt, but not so huge as to bring on thoughts of legal advise or bankruptcy (this type of action has lead people to pursuing this extreme decision)

    3. They are praying on people who had a debt at some point in their adult life, mine was via a third party - a company I had settled a aged debt with 10 years ago had sold (questionably) my information with many other peoples' information to these organisations.

    4. Store all information and get in touch with the relevant authoritative bodies as they are constantly building a framework of bullying tactics etc on these companies.

    5. Do not be threatened by these comp slips - they have no legal right to enter your property. Just give them nothing, that includes up to date information on you or your loved ones.


    Sleep well and forget about it, it will not effect your credit rating, I and my friends are proof of that.


    Lamb Chop

  3. Dear Miahelen, and all who have recently received the letter and comp slips regarding doorstepping and threatening letters/telephone calls from WMD.


    I agree that the less you do, the better. A series of events similar to this occurred last year to a colleague of mine, she had no debt history and a healthy(ish) Expedia report. This company hailed from Scotland and became such a problem she changed her mobile number as that was all they had as a method of communication.


    My experience has been incorrect addresses but correct post codes and giving information of telephone numbers they have used to get hold of me from an address I lived in over 10 years ago.


    Just as a footnote, the address of Admail 4117 M4 2ZZ is a residential block of low-rise flats in a questionable area of Manchester not a place of business one would expect to see a Debt Collection Company. The Gt Bridgewater Street address is an office building occupied by a number of businesses, none of which have ever heard of WMD (I asked the concierge).


    These companies need to be removed from our landscape, they serve no other purpose than to add fear to people who are having problems, yet another issue being ignored by banks, finance companies and the government.



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