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Posts posted by spscot

  1. To be honest all I want is a fair refund for the modules I have not started yet and I will move to another provider. Didn't want to fall out with them but that's what is has come down to. Not trying to cheat them either, I offered to reduce the balance by £100 for their trouble and of course I would not consider trying to make a claim for the module I have started.


    Oh well, charge back it is then, unfortunate.


    Thanks for your time.

  2. Hope this is the right place, my issue is in relation to Scottish Law.


    In March 2016 I signed up for a home study course, I had two options.

    Either sign up for each module individually or 4 of them which gave a greater discount. I signed for all 4 and paid about £1k on my personal credit card. It was suggested a higher discount was available and that seemed appropriate.


    The plan was to recover the cost from my employer now that did not work out as I planned and ultimately they paid nothing.


    Although some months have passed since my initial sign up I asked for a refund of the fee’s for the modules not started so that I could pay that back to my card, from there I could then pay for each module as I pass the previous.


    They have refused to do this stating that I agreed to terms that refunds were only due within 14 days. I did not understand that I had agreed to such terms.


    Each module is available from the provider as a standalone course, although I have paid for them all I have only received material for the first module.


    They will not issue any material for the subsequent modules until I complete the previous one. they are in no way out of pocket for anything but the first module.

    Part of the fees paid are for exams for those modules which would only be payable to the exam provider in the future.


    At first they said they would consider a refund,

    then they accused me of dishonesty suggesting my employer had paid the fees and I was trying to get them back from them.


    I offered to get a letter from my employer confirming they have not paid fees

    however they then ignored that and have insisted they can speak to my employer and explain the value in the course which is none of their concern quite frankly.


    As far as I am aware the contract is ultimately between them and myself, nothing to do with my employer as they had not agreed to pay them anyway.


    At this point the relationship has broken down completely, especially after their suggestion that I was being dishonest in requesting a refund.


    I have no desire to continue studying with them and want to move to another provider.


    My question therefore is

    whether I have a case to raise a small claims summons to recover the remaining fees or even a charge back on my credit card? T

    hey are just stalling now.

    I have even offered a compromise in that I will accept £100 less to cover their administration for processing the refund.


    I have not had to sign anything throughout the process.


    This is what they say covers their position;


    Fees are not refundable after two weeks have elapsed, but a transfer to another course of comparable value may be considered.


    Such a transfer may be subject to an administration fee,depending on how far you have progressed on the first course.

    (Where software has been supplied as part of the course, and the seal on this has been broken, no refunds will be considered for this particular item.)


    Would welcome some thoughts on the best way to approach this in order to get a refund if you are of the opinion I am entitled to one.

  3. Can anyone tell me if this is correct or not.


    My car company is going to reposess my car, I live in Scotland. Anyway, I have a dispute, long list of faults with the car and so on.


    But the point is, they say Anglia? Are coming to get the car next week, and they will likely clamp it in the middle of the night.


    As I am Scotland I thought Car Clamping is illegal, or does this not apply to cases where the vehicle itself is being reposessed?


    Thanks for any help.

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