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Posts posted by kevin.philips

  1. With respect I'm not sure of your moderator status - let me explain and please correct me If i'm wrong:


    You know that two transactions are going to hit your account because you've authorised them, you further know that the combined amount of these transactions is greater that the available funds in your account, you then have the audacity to complain and request a refund of charges because of this....


    Now I'm not sure that this is the right attitude to have (A) being a moderator and (B) bringing about a change in banking practices in the UK in punitive charging.....

  2. However, it DOES explain why any GENUINE bank error (and yes, they do occasionally make a mistake, even if most of the time it's deliberate) disappears without trace from statements, because obviously if push comes to shove the banks don't want you to be able to prove that they've been JUST as guilty of breaking the contract as they're accusing you - and therefore can't shut your account for that reason.


    Not sure where you're going with this..


    You start with one approach and end with another - banks like all UK organisations are still under the same jurisidiction in maintaining customer records (DPA) and I don't think they could or would ever delete a transaction - it goes against rules in auditing and financial accounting standards, if you can prove they've ever done this then you could add very serious weight to the motion of this group.


    EDIT - In fact your reply to this topic goes against your statements in claiming against NATWEST in a different thread regarding the DPA that I have just read - If you are a helper you should at the least be consistent http://www.invictadigital.com/bank/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=23


    Aside from that in putting a few words together on the back of your comments....


    If a bank feels you have breached the contract THEY can shut your account, it would be up to the consumer to bring a claim to prove otherwise, either through the courts or the financial omnudsmen.

  3. Terms which state that the contract may be terminated in the event of a material breach of contract may be fair


    Very difficult to defend against, the bank are stating that there has been a breach and can/will close your account and demand full payment of any os borrowing. Even before you have the opportunity to create a claim you may be hindered by the situation they place you in. However that said it doesn't look good for customer services.

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