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Posts posted by walsh41

  1. hi everyone am at my wits end!!


    it all started with me putting in for redundancy (before i was pushed)with i was excepted for but before i got excepted i changed my mind about leaving but the letters that where handed out mine and another fella letters where given the wrong way round he got mine (which was an exceptance) and when i went in i noticed they given me his(which was a denial) i didnt open his but he had mine so i had to go in the room where lots of people where in and claim mine back so everyone knew i had been excepted.


    now i had 10 days cooling off period but i feel that has been taken away from me through me stupid pride and embarassment of not seeming to want to stay but its turned a bit nasty with coments all the time calling me his name all the time it was funny the first day but i feel drained now and depressed.


    i put i greivance in and asked to just let me go now with no notice period but they wont i desperatley want to stay and they said i can change my mind but i just feel i cant go back i feel so low i had worked there for 23 years since i left school

  2. hi i had a solicitor on a no win no fee for bank charges after the banks won there case he told me that was it and the only way was hardship. i put the hardship claim together my self and was sucessful getting £4k back but after they took the loan back come out with £1200 now my solicitor is demanding 25% of this but i was under the impression this is a gesture of goodwill and not a win he says if i dont pay the 25% he will calculate all the time hes spent on the case and send a bill for the full time. am at my wits end and the stress hes putting me under is no better than the banks


    thanks for any input

  3. hiya, i phoned my bank and they said the money thery offered me would go straight into the natwest account, which i havnt had for 7yrs by the way, and any outstanding debt will be paid off with that money, the amount they said still owing on that loan is £3,300, i spoke to the financial hardship team and said i was shocked at how much ppi i had on my loan and they gave me a number to phone, it was the insurance, they checked and said i wasnt even on the database as having insurance with them, i then spoke to the hardship team but they dont deal with that so they sent me a form to fill out to cancel the insurance so i faxed it over the other day in work, but i am still undecided whether to sign the form to except the settlement figure because for 1 i never had ins in the first place so they have messed up somewhere and i need some more advice, can anyone help.

  4. i like the idea of the debt getting wiped but how do go about that??


    the offer is just for overdraft charges


    we havent started a claim for the ppi yet we were gunna print the letter of this site and post it.

    shes not sure how much she owes(gunna phone tomoro) but was paying it still upon till a few months ago the offer wold wipe it.

    whats county court interest??


    cheers for your help

  5. Thanks for the reply!! Yes it was took out with the loan we are in the process of claiming

    for that! does 24.1% seem extremely high to you she was deffo

    took advantage of she only took the loan to clear the overdraft

    she was getting all the charges on.


    Do you know if you get any more offers or is it a case of get what

    you given?

  6. Phoned up and they were on about we would

    have to pay the loan off out of the offer is this

    normal practice if so she wouldn't have much left

    to help her in fianicial hardship?


    Is these offers like insurance claims were you get

    improved offers when you refuse one she was

    offered £6k when she first put the claim in a few

    years ago.


    Has anyone got any advice please??

  7. right my girlfriend applied and got accepted for hardship from the natwest her claim was in the region of £10,000 over a period 6 years now with the court decision she applied for hardship now they have give her an offer of £4019.00 now can you refuse the first offer or take what you given is her claim still ongoing(10k minus 4k)?? she has a loan with the natwest which has been frozen does this have to be paid out of the money it was orignally for £1750 with £600 protection but 24.1% apr whitch and think sounds like loan shark rates but what do i know.


    could any one give us any advice of what to say or to agree on just dont want to be duped by these bas£$%S



  8. hi everyone hope someone will be of help ive been looking about and i think am onto a loser but here goes anyway my girlfriend has a car but is hoping to voultary terminate her contract but can she she has paid 30 moths of a 60 month agreement and over £8000 pounds ive attached scans of the agreement hoping someone can give me any advice


    thanks john





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