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Posts posted by jayl6191

  1. Hi, does any one know if are child / working tax credits will be affected ?


    currentlly receive child tax credits and working tax credits, one child gets DLA so i get a higher child tax credits due to that i think. also get £33 a week towards rent from Housing Benefit.


    anyway are incomes are ther same or near eneough as last year so wasnt expecting much of a change, then today a letter came from the housing benefit saying they had been informed of a change in circumstances by tax credits that we receive higher rate because a child receives DLA, and that they didnt calculate this in are housing benefit and should have been awarded more. this goes from 2011 to present, they owe me £7280 and weekly HB now gone up from £33 to £82 a week, they also sent me a letter to sign for help with council tax.


    does anyone know if this back pay of £7280 and the HB increase will come off my tax credit awards ?? i just received extra payment like most people last week and it was £5 more than my normal payment ? i think this also means my renewal form is on way.


    any info on this would be great, ime currenttly thinking there paying me this back in one hand and will be taking it back in the other!


    Also the letter attached about council tax says iam also probablly now entitled to this benefit and to sign and return the form! then goes on to say this can not be back dated so make sure you apply in time!! i have applied every year and been told i was not entitled :| so if i get it now its because of there error in not adding my childs dla ??

    which also means i should have been receiving this since 2011 ? is there anyway to get them to back date this too :?::?:


    Thanks everyone..............


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