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Posts posted by MaryanneI

  1. Holy ****!!!!

    how many thousand people are mbna ruining the lives of????????????

    im one of them anyone. i have been refused a mortgage on the basis that i was a few days late on payments. these were of course paid well in time of the next month and also the following month paid early (which they dont seem to remember).

    i was paying payment protection but cancelled it in 08 as i lost my job and was told by mbna that the payment protection couldnt help me!!!!!!!!!! Strange as when i asked them today the reasoning behind me paying it for 4 years, they told me if i ever lost my job it would cover me. So not true. it just builds their bank account up. im so upset about this. im such an honest person who was a few days late. and aswell i was constantly ringing them when i got back into work to check everything was ok. i was always told it was ok. but a credit check told me otherwise.

    they have ruined any chance of me getting a mortgage for at least 5 years. they are horrible people.

    does anyone know if they're in financial diffuculty??????

  2. Ive just got off the phone to the pigs!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what they are and dont let anyone tell you otherwise.............

    do you pay payment protection????????? i did for 4 years and during that time i lost my job. i got no payment protection at all with my account. im trying to get them to help me with my situation and im getting nowhere with them.............

    they put me up on the ICB for a few days late payments which were days late. paid up in full by the next month and with extra money too. they dont care aboout people. they really dont. if they had an office to go into maybe they'd see their customers as people and not money trees.

    They never give you answers to any questions. ive had the phone hung up on me and shouted at too.

    they have ruined any chances of me getting a mortgage and im going to hound them with phone calls untill someone in that shambles of a company helps me.............

    just bombard them with phone calls.............

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