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Posts posted by sky123456

  1. I had a problem with sherforce but found a way around them.


    A HCEO turned up at my house for a debt that was mine and my fault i had buisness problems i had burried my head in the sand. And I took them into my garden and sat down with them, obviously i wasnt going to let them into my house, they are not aloud in unless its a debt like council tax. They said they'd already seized my car as it was on my drive (wasnt my car so didnt care they cant take it) Firstly they cant seize your car if you can prove you need it for work. Secondly these guys are designed to intimidate so just hold your ground, take the letter hear what they have to then they'll be off. BE AWARE THEY CAN ENTER YOUR HOUSE IF THEY RETURN AND YOU'VE LEFT A WINDOW OPEN THEY CAN GET IN.


    Anyway i then phoned up sherforce said i've had a visit and wanted to make an offer of a monthly payment. Now the people they have on the phones are asses and try to get you to pay more than you can afford and told me they dont have to forward this offer to the original company.....this is bull its their contractual obligation to inform their client of an offer in writing. So again stick to your guns and you'll be ok.


    After this offer was excepted I looked at all the numbers. I'll list them below.


    Original debt £1813.32


    Sherforce Charges £1592.


    Total debt £3400?????????? + 8% annual charge.charged daily


    Now this confused me I had offered a small ammount per month one i wouldn't miss so i could just get the debt cleared over time but by applying this 8% it meant i was only paying back around £5 a month. and would take 56 years to pay back!!!!


    So i called them back i had already requested a breakdown of the charge and as much as it annoyed me the courts have said they can charge as much as they like. Right so i asked does the original debitor get any of the interest? the answer was no.


    This was what i'd been hoping for as they didnt own this debt and were profetiering from someones missfortune and from a debt they didnt own and were not passing on any of this interest to their client. I doubted they had told this to their client so i rang them.


    I rang the company I owed money too. I explained my situation at they they were only getting £5per month and the company they had used for debt recovery was ripping me and them off. I finished off the call an awaited the reply.


    About 20 minutes later the call came. the guy i spoke to was annoyed as he didnt know what they were doing, He told me to deal with him direct and that he had told sherforce to have no dealings with me as he was dealing with me from now on And to forward anything they send me to him direct. I imagine that they are compiling some sort of evidence to see how many other times this has happened to them.


    so thats sherforce off my back. they may try and chase me for admin charged but to be honest they are aware pc world are onto them and they wont want the hassel or to upset such a big client anymore.


    Result then. So just make sure yo get all the facts right then call your original debtor and see what they can do. Sherforce are ass holes and would step on their own mothers just to get a fiver.


    Good luck

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