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Posts posted by bigdave2210

  1. hi got a loan out with the halifax in 1998 for 1000 quid. never paid it back to them or spoke to them. the address was my mums and they kept sending letters there with no reply. they then sold it on to various debt collection agencies who kept sending letters to mums again with no reply to any of them. have just moved into my own address with my partner and a year dow n the line recieved a couple of letters of aktiv capital debt collectors saying i owe this that and the other. have once again not replied and just returned them as does not live at this address. the final letter i got was saying there going to send collectors to my house. just want to no what to do next for the best as have have had no contact with any1 in either phone, letter or face to face since i got the loan. im not so bothered but my missus is doing her nut. any help would be great cheers people.

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