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Posts posted by portlandbill

  1. Hi, just need some advice about what postal address to give CC companies when I move abroad.


    The situation is I have sold my house and will move in with friends for a few months before emigrating to USA. I do not want to give my friends address for post as I do not want them to get bothered by CC companies if I end up walking away from any debt that I am unable to clear with proceeds of house sale. I also would rather not leave the new owners of my house with hassle from CC companies trying to contact me.


    Can I give CC companies a PO Box address either here in UK or better still in USA? Having read lots of information it would seem if i do walk away from any uk debt(£5k-10k max) then they cannot do anything except shout loudly as UK CC debt is not enforceable in the USA. I am in mean time applying to each of them to check the validity of their CCA's.


    I want to leave as cleanly as possible and am not telling them I am moving to USA but just intend letting them all know I am emigrating somewhere. I just need a postal address to deal with them in the mean time that will not get visits from anyone.


    Any ideas?



  2. Well house sale is still going through and we expect to complete in next 4-5 weeks. Sounds like i shoud definatley send a request for CCA to each card company to see if the debt i have is enforceable.


    Given we are likely not to be in the house and living with friends during this process cause any legal issues? We intend just doing a postal redirection of mail to a business address.


    Not sure where we stand with the CC firms if we dont have a fixed home address for a few months and i certainy dont want to give my new address overseas to them in case we have any problems paying them in the future. Can anyone offer any advice on this point?


    thanks for any advice

  3. Hi, need some advice please on my current position.


    Having built up various debts over the years on credit cards and accumulated a very large mortgage; my family and I have decided to emigrate to the USA to be with family over there.


    We have managed to sell our house and with the proceeds will have enough funds to clear the mortgage, secured loan and some of the Credit Card debt. I estimate we will have about 8k of funds left from the house sale to clear debts but have about 14k of CC debt in total.


    Do you think given we will have no assets left and intend moving away that the CC firms are likely to settle the accounts with a lesser amount and if so how would we go about approaching this?


    Also, we will effectively be homeless for about 3-4 months whilst we prepare for the move overseas, during this time we will be living with friends who have offered us some space in their home. Now, we dont really want to give their address to any CC firms for post as we dont want them hassled, we were intending just forwarding post to the new address until we moved overseas.


    Are we breaking any sort of agreement with regards not having a postal address? We will also not have a land line but will just be using mobiles until we leave so all contact will have to be via that.


    Any ideas/suggestions would be greatly appreciated on how to manage the remaining debt we might have in the UK before we leave, especially as we wont have a permanent address anymore. We want to do the right thing and pay as much debt off as we can and leave on a cleanish note?



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