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Archie MacFee

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Posts posted by Archie MacFee

  1. I think ignoring is the wrong option. Write as I did, telling them that there are multiple drivers of the car and you don't keep records, so have no way of knowing who was driving at the time. This lets them know that you're 'aware' of the rules. They should then know it's a waste of their time trying to take things further. If you ignore, they'll just keep going with the scare tactics - it's what they do for a living.

  2. Why?


    You have now entered dialogue with these people, which is exactly what they like. Now you can expect a rejection of any 'appeal' and a long series of increasingly threatening letters, including debt collectors, solicitors and threats of court and bailiffs.


    Why didn't you just follow the advise given to ignore them?


    Well, there's slightly varying advice. I took the view that by writing, I can not be accused (If it ever did come to court) of being unreasonable. On the basis of what I put in my letter, I can now reasonably ignore anything further. There will be no further dialogue whatsoever.


    If you are not comfortable about ignoring them then use the template letters in the stickies section. All you need to do is confirm being the registered keeper and ask them to take the matter up with the driver on that day. You are under no legal obligation to name the driver. There is nothing they can do to force you to name the driver.


    Whatever you decide, ignore or write, the outcome will most likely be the same - you won't pay, they'll threaten and then drop it. If they are silly enough issue proceedings in the county court then post back here and there will be plenty of people who will help with a defense. NB: These companies do not take people to court very often if at all because when presented with a competent defense they lose.

  3. OK, so I get a weird voice text thingy, telling me to phone a particular debt collection agency about a fine. What fine? No idea. So I phone the number, and it appears that the DVLA have fined me for not renewing SORN on a car that I sold almost a year ago! The SORN did overrun, because I didn't realise I had to renew it. (Surely once you've declared a vehicle 'off road', that should be it until you declare it 'on the road'??) Anyway, apparently they sent the fine originally to my old address. So far, I have nothing in writing from DVLA to confirm the fine, though I now have a letter this morning from the DCA threatening me with action for ignoring letters from the DVLA. I see from earlier in the thread what to write to the DCA, but not sure how to approach the DVLA on this.



    Any advice appreciated.

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