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Posts posted by Dekrayzis

  1. Hi all,


    I'm another who got sucked into the lies of the trickster Skillstrain sales men.

    My story sounds very much like everyone elses. Only the asian guy who came to me told me the company had been running for 50 years and was setup by Winston Churchill. Thinking it was a government run business and him telling me the loan agreement was government run too, I signed and was given 7 days if i wish to cancel.


    The guy went to his car and came back with a cheap laptop type bag some paperwork about the course. a cd with a presentation that looks like it was done around the mid 90's, and gave me his card. I called the guy up but there was never any answer.


    I started the course, but as i went through the book deeper I realised I knew most of the rubbish and it was way out of date.


    a week later I got my login details for theyre pretty shoddy website.


    I contacted skills train and was told that as the 7 days had elasped I was told I would still have to pay for the course via CDF. Since then I have being paying £50 a month to CDF and I am growing very tired of having to pay for a something that I do not want. I have not used the course materials since March 2008. Nor have I had any information about updates to the course since I signed up.


    I am thinking of going down to the citizens advice bueuro but I'm not sure if they be able to help.


    Can anyone offer me any advice?

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