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Posts posted by helenzak

  1. hi, yes ive checked with land registry her name was taken off in 99 just as my x says but it does not state who acted for her only who acted for him, the info the lady gave me, from the land registry said its normal for both solictiors to be on the documents,not just his the witness to my mum signing ive never heard of,iam not saying no one acted for my mum only i dont know who did, and my x wont tell me

  2. hi, can anyone offer advice, my x husband and mum bought a house she signed her half over 10years ago {when she was in ill health] she has now died leaving no papers on this transfer,the deeds are in his name just as hes says,but no letters exist of my mums even though he has his copy.which he wont let me see my concern is hes done this wrongly and he knows it is there anything i can do? any ideas please

  3. hi, just found this site and not sure how to post new thread, so will have to tag on this one!just hope someone can advise me on this matter,my mother died just over two months ago,leaving very little in regards to value as such,but she did have a council property that she myself and my then husband bought together years ago,my x and myself divorced years ago i signed my part of the house over to him,my mum stayed there and they lived in seperate parts of the house this went on for many years she also signed her part over in 1999,or so i thought she was in hosptial for 6weeks up till she died,she told me to go to her house and get the letters about the house, she was most insistant i went they were gone,she died shortly afterwards ive done a land search and they were indeed transfered to him,he wont show me his letters and simply says thats my problem that i have not got hers, he changed the locks and hes witholding her mail i know there is something very wrong with this and i know my mum was in ill health about that time,the transfer took place, my mum kept her affairs in order and she was bright as a button i cant belive that she lost them or threw them away as my x is saying i belive he has stolen them while she was in hosptial is there anything i can do any advice would be greatfully received

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