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Posts posted by brucie32

  1. i need help to clear an overdraft of £1950, this is the only debt i have, i dont possess credit cards or the likes and dont want to either, all i have is the bank account, which is with Halifax, a current account, i got paid off in april and got a redundancy payment, which was ok and paid a few bills, now i have eaten into my overdraft to the limit which i stated above. the problem i face is that the hfx are now introducing these new charges and i am definitely not going to be able to keep up and i am panicking, i have my house on the market at the minute as i cannot afford to keep it, at this time im not having much luck getting it sold, i have no affordable income and i am sick to the stomach with worry and stress, i need someone to help me find a way clear of my overdraft so i can live of what small income i have without the worry of where i am finding the next few pounds from

    so i am asking please if someone could help me find a very quick solution i would be more than greatful

  2. ok so ive only just found this thread, hello to all, got the same letter as the previous posts, i opened my current account in branch, normal, reason for opening a current account was for ebaying, i had no monthly or weekly income at the time, they have let me over a couple of years take my overdraft facility to 1950 pounds, and again without any constant credit to my account, unfortunately like a good lot of people i got paid off back in april, my overdraft is at its limit and all i am really putting into the bank is enough to cover the interest, when the new charges come into effect it will only put my interest charges up by a few pounds,

    2 things i would like to ask

    when i opened the account all i had was the standard 100 pound overdraft facility with a halifax current account, the overdraft was done through online banking and they stated that i could go to an overdraft of 1950, where do i stand with online agreements that i dont sign for, does it still work the same.

    second, without a job at the minute i cant get a loan to pay off the overdraft, i dont get any benefits because my wife works part time and we get tax credits, what i would get in unemployment benefit they would take off tax credits so i cant claim that to have a steady source going into my bank account, this is my personal account by the way, where can i go from here

    personally i think the banks are a joke at the minute with the way they set charges, as someone said before if you are constantly in your overdraft they want to squeeze as much out of you as they can, i just wish someone could snap their fingers and help us all out

  3. hello there, this is my first post and am hoping to get a little direction on what i should do.

    to start, im married with 2 kids under 16 years old, my wife works a 30 hour week

    about 3 months ago i got paid off from work, nothing new i suppose at this time, but from working in a full time job 6 days a week to nothing,

    we get working family tax credits on what my wifes income is, but i cannot claim anything at all so ive been told as if i do it automatically comes out of the wftc, its a pretty pathetic feeling depending on your wifes wages to cover the costs of the house and to tell your kids that suddenly from getting their pocket money on a saturday to buy their sweets that they can no longer get it because we dont have it.

    sorry to ramble but the end question is what if anything can i get to bring something into the house until i get back into work again

    thanks in advance

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